Bike riding in movies...

if people are looking for technical accuracy, they should never ever ever watch bollywood films.

Pretty much any film unless the director specifically tries to make it realistic. Most gunshots in films are sound edited, except for movies like Heat or Collateral where firearms accuracy was specifically sought after. Then there's also the classic indoor firefights, where all the actors can somehow still hear after hundreds of rounds being fired with no ear protection on.

Car scenes are also pretty bad for this, especially in scenes where a car is started.
This one probably cemented my desire to ride motorcycles:

You mean the stunt where Steve's buddy , a fellow named Bud Ekins did the jump , on a stolen German motorcycle made by Triumph??

A secret part of WW11 allied war effort was allowing the Germans to capture and reallocate British made cars , trucks and motorbikes, knowing they would only run two weeks at a time, never start in the rain and leave hazardous oil pools everywhere they were parked .
Dennis Hopper , love that guy.
The back story on the Captain America bike is way better than the movie, built by some really creative black dude in LA ( who got no recognition) , Cliff somebody , couple fakes around, Dan Haggerty the grizzly Adam guy caught selling a fake for hundreds of thousands. One bike wrecked in the film but there were spares . Peter Fonda signing off on what is considered the real one , after signing off on one he said was real but wasnt .
Crazy stuff
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