Bike group

Watch the rides/hookups section, post up your interests or join a ride that looks good. Try using "meetup", lots of riding groups on there. Or google Ontario motorcycle clubs and choose one. Try to find like-minded riders, if you're a new rider on a little cruiser, you may not enjoy the ride with an experienced sport bike group. There are tons of clubs in GTA.
I would like to join a bike group, preferably a female one, but doesn't have to be. Where do I start?

post up the type of bike you ride, what your riding style is and area you want to ride in?

IE I ride a SS
I like to do twisties with my knee dragging.
I am looking to ride in and around Eastern Ont.

I wouldn't focus too much on the group makeup, (All female), but rather the style of riding and the members makeup. I mean would you wnat to ride with a female on a chopper with straight pipes? as opposed to say a male on a cruiser, (if that is type of bike you have).
A few of us meet in Peterborough regularly. PM me if you're interested. Best advice I can give you is to be very select of the people you ride with and don't be afraid to bow out early on a group ride if the riders aren't what you expected (or agree with).
A few of us meet in Peterborough regularly. PM me if you're interested. Best advice I can give you is to be very select of the people you ride with and don't be afraid to bow out early on a group ride if the riders aren't what you expected (or agree with).
+ 1. Don't exceed your skill level (try to keep up etc.). Here is a link where two riders exceeded their skill level. BTW I have no problem bowing out from any ride if it doesn't meet my expectations. Ride safe!
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