big poppas purely hypothetical window shopping thread

You can ride a big cruiser hard as well. Ground clearance is the biggest potential issue, you tend to run out of lean angle on some bikes. The exhaust pipes on both sides of my Vulcan have definately met asphalt more than a few times.

You have probably just been stuck behind cruiser riders who are either too afraid to throw their bikes around, or just don't have the skills to do it, and yeah, those types of riders slow down in any sort of sharp corner. It doesn't mean the bike can't do it, it means the rider can't.

Here's a crop I took from one of my passes on the Dragon 2 years ago. I was laughing at the time that I was going to keep this handy for when it comes time to sell the bike (which is actually going to be soon now ironically) so I can explain to buyers why the pipes are all scraped up on the bottom - the bike was just ridden hard, not dropped lol.

View attachment 65482

Anyhow, long story short, you can ride a cruiser hard and still have fun, you don't need to slow down to a crawl at all in most anything you can throw at it if you're not afraid to lean once you learn your bikes limits....
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We got time. Its winter season.
We need something else ,other than politics to read about.
What happens in muskoka stays in muskoka
RR is sold.

A new 'arms race' has begun @bigpoppa
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