Best Way to Sell Bikes in GTA?

I was wondering if I could get some advice from the forum members. My wife and I are looking to sell our motorcycles, unfortunately our lifestyle has changed and we have had very little opportunity to ride them (which is a shame). Do you think it is best to sell on consignment at a dealer? Or advertise on the web? Just looking for a little advice from those that have done it. I'm concerned about advertising, and then having to deal with a lot of bs from buyers that aren't serious. My bike is a 2008 Ducati 1098s with 1800km, and hers is a 2008 ZX-6R with 1300km. Both bikes are perfect/mint. Thanks in advance for your advice. Cheers.

Sold one of my bikes last year posted in Kijji got good responses. I would recommend the following forums in the for sale section on the ducati forum and there is a miscellaneous section in the ducati section which you can also post the Kawasaki

GTAM forum in the for sale section in the miscellaneous section for both bikes as some MV owners also own ducatis

Too bad I am looking to upgrade to the F4RR this season or else I would have jumped on the 1098S as it is my goal to own both brands within the next two years.

Good luck.
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