Best way to get rid of a bee hive in the ground.

That's the shiznit right there....or have them film it in slow-mo, with some GnR playing in the background....stop, take off sunglasses, look at camera and say " they won't bee back" 

Well OP, here's your way to become a YouTube star!
LOL you guys crack me up. I unfortunately did pour gas down the hole last night, sadly, not match, or lighter or fire of any sort. I pour a whole damn gallon down the hole, quickly, so I am thinking it was a damn big hive. I will check this morning when I get home from work. I really do feel bad, but I was so bad that my wife or kids or dog couldn't really even go out there without the possibility of being stung.
You know Jay, I'm equally upset that no one got back to you. The bee population issue has been in the media, but when someone tries to do some good, they don't get any support. Anyway, you're right. The summer isn't getting any longer, and we need to enjoy it safely. I hope the problem is now gone.
Bees usually aren't very aggressive as they sting and then die unlike wasps who sting for fun. I was cleaning out my eves and stuck my hand into a wasps nest. I've never been down a ladder quicker in my life.

I'm finding those wasp traps work wonders although I think I might grab a few more. Got a few horse flys also. Bonus!
Bees usually aren't very aggressive as they sting and then die unlike wasps who sting for fun. I was cleaning out my eves and stuck my hand into a wasps nest. I've never been down a ladder quicker in my life.

I'm finding those wasp traps work wonders although I think I might grab a few more. Got a few horse flys also. Bonus!

Some bees don't have a barb like bumble bees. However they aren't aggressive either, wasps are just assholish creatures second only to yellow jackets.
Some bees don't have a barb like bumble bees. However they aren't aggressive either, wasps are just assholish creatures second only to yellow jackets.

A couple days ago I see this black/yellow blur going around in circles close to the ground. I look closer and see that a bigass wasp had a pretty fat bee by the neck and it looked like he was trying to bite its head off. They were so big and I was close enough to actually see his pincers. I thought "what a SOB" and swatted him off with the dog leash. Poor bee was mortally wounded I think though, it was just crawling and unable to fly.
found a bees nest in the ground next to my house the other day, messaged a friend of mine who keeps bees, turns out these are a type of robber bee known as carpenter bees... I'll be taking care of them as they don't pollinate flowers
Where did you hear that they don't pollinate?
Even the Orkin pest control site says "Although they can be destructive, carpenter bees are important pollinators which rarely pose threats to the physical well being of humans."
Hey everyone just to update, gasoline was the fix, pour about 3 liters in the hole, which was under the base of my kids basketball net. Next morning, no more bees. Then after that nasty *** storm on the weekend the net blew over and I was shocked to see the size of the nest. It was about a foot and a half in diameter and almost 3 feet into the ground. I was blown away at how big it actually was. I wish I would have taken a picture sorry. Anyways thanks for all the suggestions, and yes I feel bad killing them, but I just couldn't risk the dog getting stung again, he's a boxer and pron to allergies. If you would have saw how swollen his face and eyes were you would understand. So yup gas is the cheapest and easiest fix.
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