Best way to get oil or Armorall of your Tires

Spray some brake-cleaner on a rag n wipe the areas,
I'm a truck mechanic and always seem to have some kind of oily residue on my bike/tires by the end of the day. Brake cleaner takes it right off, just go easy on the plastics or paint.
Can brake cleaner break down oil paint as well? I just went over some !@!#$!@ oil paint that was spilled all over the parking lot...
Varsol, don't use brake cleaner on your paint. Make sure you apply a good wax after.
brake cleaner on your tires! 100% that will remove it. As for paint/plastic, go to an auto parts store/paint store and get some wax and greese remover, or some final wipe reducer. It won't hurt the paint or plastic's but it will remove any silicone's
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