best place for new car tires. looking for a good deal

Anyone have garbage 15" tires? I am about to scrap a car but I have two months old winter tires on it. , you can have them shipped to a tire change shop in buffalo and get your tires changed there, while ditching your old tires, come back across the border without paying taxes/duties on your tires. , you can have them shipped to a tire change shop in buffalo and get your tires changed there, while ditching your old tires, come back across the border without paying taxes/duties on your tires.

And this can all be done before he drives up north tomorrow? ;)
oops...well, food for thought next time :)

Couldn't resist. As for the Buffalo connection, for anyone thinking of it, I'd recommend Bailey's Tire in Buffalo. Great prices and service and you don't have to go through the organization required to go the Tire Rack route (I've done both options). and both ship to canada and collect the duties/taxes (via UPS). hate to say this but even after shipping duties/taxes still some pretty significant savings over buying locally or Cdn online.
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