best/fastest way to get motorcycle accessories - local preferred

…..I never mentioned when this happened. Or is he perpetually getting divorced?
this was my first thought as well.
but if he got divorced recently, could have been ongoing marital problems.
neither excuse the service you received imo. to the list (Vancouver, CAN). Kevin has a lot of good stuff and if it's in stock - you will get it in time. If on backorder - he would always reply and give an estimate which was pretty good so far in my experience.

P.S. literally just received shipment from them - my Yoshi full exhaust - check how it shipped (too safe! but no complains) - will need to cut it out of the insulation foam later :)

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Yeah something seems off. It's his logo but the site doesn't offer much?
He used to be the go to for a lot of parts for every bike. His prices competed well with the big stores too.

Exactly...definitely seems iffy.
Although 365 is an Ontario area code...I hadn’t realized that.

His daughter seemed poised to take the business over...but if there was a divorce, could selling the business have been part of the settlement?
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@Sochi +1 for Bayside...back in 2016, he was the only one who was able to source a jacket that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted...did I say I REALLY wanted this jacket LOL...anyways, great service, considering the 3 hour time difference... to the list (Vancouver, CAN). Kevin has a lot of good stuff and if it's in stock - you will get it in time. If on backorder - he would always reply and give an estimate which was pretty good so far in my experience.

P.S. literally just received shipment from them - my Yoshi full exhaust - check how it shipped (too safe! but no complains) - will need to cut it out of the insulation foam later :)

View attachment 54791

Should I bother getting in to it?
Just exchanged something at GP Bikes yesterday. I'd ordered it online, so they had to call the online guy down. He put in for the credit and went over all the different options from vendor websites. Came out and measured the existing part on my bike. He's checking with another vendor on Monday and will give me a call afterwards. It was a wind deflector, but at this point I might want a bigger screen, so that's what he was checking on.
There was some talk a while ago if memory serves that Blue Streak has been sold or shut temporarily, maybe I’m wrong .
But a guy getting divorced could have trouble focusing on a business and the logo now might belong to someone else ?
I never dealt with Tony but a decade ago all I heard was good stuff

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