Best Companies For a SuperSport

Wow ok, you guys seriously got nothing better to do than troll. If you don't like me or my thread, don't bother replying and just move on. It's not hard. If you guys wanna prove me wrong about what I said about the people on this forum, stop acting like this. This is a very informative forum with many helpful people, it's a shame that there are people on here that think they are better than the rest (particularly new riders). I seriously don't feel that sense of brotherhood between riders that apparently is supposed to exist. I didn't attack anyone, you all came here to troll.

The majority of posters here did not come to troll you, and while not providing you what it seems that you are looking for (i.e. it will cost you $X.XX/year with Y Company) there were links posted to threads on this forum from previous posters asking almost the exact same question as you did, as well as a link to a very acurate flow chart in regards to SS insurance. Your query is not a new one, I've been a member of this forum for almost 2 years, active for the last 4 months or so, but in that time I have personally read at least 20 threads with the same question asked almost verbatim.....under 25 looking for insurance for 600 SS bike.

The short of it is, if you are under 25 and want to ride a SS your going to pay a large premium for that luxury, and short of riding without insurance theres not much that you can do about it.

These forums are a wealth of information, and for the most part people have been extremely knowledgeable and helpful. While it may seem to you that people are being curt or trolling you, something you need to keep in mind is that these people have answered the same questions week after week, all the information is available either in stickies or in other threads. In all fairness, it can get a bit monotonous answering the same questions week after week, which is why you were getting replies with links to where your answers are, especially since you have been asking the same question over 2 threads over the course of the last month.

Don't mean to offend, hopefully this post helped you understand a little bit about how the forum functions
there were links posted to threads on this forum from The same poster asking the exact same question as you did, as well as a link to a very acurate flow chart in regards to SS insurance.

Next thread: Hay guys can i insure the bike under my dads name???

Under my dad's name, but at my brother's house....
I think we're going to have to take no news as bad news.

nah bro, studying for examz lolyuppersyoroflpsmlasdfsadhejen
Long story short, use the search button to look for previously made threads that can answer your question. If nothing appears, make a thread.

Isn't there a "check for similar threads" button before you create a thread?
Next thread: Hay guys can i insure the bike under my dads name???

I think you mean his previous thread lol.

What if I put the bike under my dads name? He doesn't have a motorcycle license so would insurance still be the same as if I were the owner? I'll still be primary rider obviously but I hear rumours that if the ownership is under my dads name, insurance will be cheaper. This true?
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