Best Burger Joint?

Why never again?

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Went to the one up here. Me, wife and son were violently sick that night. My brother and my sister, same thing, different locations. Also, floor covered in grease, tables a mess, generally messy. Finally, $50 for 3 burgers, 1 fries with gravy and 3 cans of pop.
Give me South St. Co. any day of the week over that.
Wow, that sucks! I hope you went back and told them what happened. They opened one up here in Hamilton recently. My daughter picked up some take out and absolutely loved it. Have you tried Hero Burger?

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Just as an fyi it takes 24 to 48 hrs to get food poisoning

Maybe, but that's not how the Bass family rolls. Digestive system over here has a ~6-12 hour turn around time. Try the corn test. Just personal experience. Your results may vary.
Wow, that sucks! I hope you went back and told them what happened. They opened one up here in Hamilton recently. My daughter picked up some take out and absolutely loved it. Have you tried Hero Burger?

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No, I did not. I know that I seem to have an iron gut, but actually is not. As the other member posted, usually takes longer for people to feel an effect, so possibly a coincidence. I know many that love it there, so do not want to discourage them.
The thing about Hero burger is that they have quality meat. No hormones etc. And they taste good. But for some reason, just never a first choice.
I was going to say, the one time I had food poisoning, it hit me within a couple hours.

My fave burger in TO was mentioned near the beginning of this thread - spicy burger at Big Smoke Burger. You can now get it at Eaton Centre and Yorkdale Mall among others. Quality is the same whether you go to the original King W location or in the food court franchises. Outstanding burgers (and great poutine too.)
One of those friend of a friend things (Worked in the place that made the burgers for the chains) said that the chain with the best quality meat was..........................drum roll..............Dairy Queen.

This was many years ago and before the gourmet places opened up. I don't normally hit DQ for burgers and not all places carry the Brazier line but I do recall having a very tasty DQ burger in Carleton Place.
Food poisoning depends on the bacteria type and strength (poisoning is a general term for the bacteria) and the person..
Can happen FAST or slow.

I did not like burger priest either.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Hero Burger just tasted like a slightly higher quality Burger king burger to me.

I have had good experiences at "the works" in burlington on Brant.

Have yet to try burger priest, everyone I have talked to says over priced and greasy don't bother but I think I'll at least give them a chance and try one.
Hero Burger is pretty bad. I don't know what it is about it but their burgers feel/taste sterile. I still go from time to time 'cause one is attached to our office building.

Big Smoke Burger's Spicy Burger is still my fave so far in this city (been here 5 years).
I think the issue with Hero is their patties don't resemble ground beef, they're pressed together so they lose all the texture and character of a good homemade patty. Everything else about them is excellent, except the price (and lack of bacon).

I tried McDonald's new Mighty Angus just now. Fine burger in a pinch. The bun is flimsier than it looks but along with the patty is an improvement over the old Angus. Without the stupid sauce it tastes pretty nice. Not the best burger joint though.
What makes a burger joint good?

Size of burger?
Fun atmosphere?

Getting to the meat of the matter, what does the actual MEAT taste like when it's naked?

When we go out for fast food my wife gets so much in the way of toppings she asks for a bite of mine so she can taste something other than the condiments.
Hero's patties come in frozen from their head office. They don't ground beef on site.

I think the issue with Hero is their patties don't resemble ground beef, they're pressed together so they lose all the texture and character of a good homemade patty. Everything else about them is excellent, except the price (and lack of bacon).

I tried McDonald's new Mighty Angus just now. Fine burger in a pinch. The bun is flimsier than it looks but along with the patty is an improvement over the old Angus. Without the stupid sauce it tastes pretty nice. Not the best burger joint though.
Queen & Beaver at Yonge and Elm. Tasty chopped steak burger.
No love for 5 guys?

Introduced myself to them in Montreal and then tried them in London.

Noticed some locations in Toronto.

I highly recommend. And just get small fries if ordering a combo. The portion size is outrageous.

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