Best 2up/Touring Motorcycles?

Height and weight of you and your passenger may help...

For $6K, you're looking at something used, so the final choice may end up to be what's up for sale at the moment.

Here's a decent '99 Dyna Wide Glide for sale at $6,000.

I'm 5'9, combined weight of 320lbs.

Been riding on the street for 6 years. Only thing I've owned is a 2003 r6.

Definitely looking at something used. Been looking at the prices for vstroms and they are right around my budget, but it's not set in stone, will check all my options before I make a decision.
Keep in mind that the 650 and 1000 are very similar except for the engine,
so that the 650 can actually carry more weight, because of the lighter engine.

I believe that the 1000 cc Concours could carry around 350 pounds.
The VStrom's were more. You're probably over on the R6 with just the two of you.

The problem with all this, is that the GVWR information isn't readily available the way things like engine size, torque, horsepower and top speed are.
ST1100 should fit the requirement.


Smooth bullet proof motor ...low CofG .....quite a few out there ....

Popular cop bike and the 1100 was preferred over the successor ST1300

I enjoyed mine in Australia.
Rode my buddy's ST1300 and rode an R1200RT 2-up 3 bags loaded for 8 days of twisties in Spain. Even loaded, the RT's handling in the twisties was much better. Both are super comfortable, but if you still want to have fun in the corners while touring, I'd look at the RT. Also V-Strom 650 (my wife really liked being on the back when I had one) and Tiger Explorer (although used may not be down to your price range yet).
At your price point of $6,000 there are no Gold Wings in your future and I've seen very few ST1300's or FJR's at that price level either. RT's............ forget it.

I'm 100% biased of course, but the ST1100 MacDog pointed out would be very good value at $4,100. With 40,000 km on it it's barely broken in. Mine has 90,000 km and I've seen dozens with 150,000 km++ and they continue to run fine. Highest KM was an early 90's ST with over 630,000 km and still runs very well. Likely one of the most bullet proof and reliable bikes ever built.
An older VFR800 would fit that price range. I love my 1998, it's plenty comfortable and yet still sporty. Had a great time riding the tail of the dragon and then rode all the way home, 1,250 km. You can outfit it with hard luggage and you will love the music the V4 engine makes. Passenger should be comfy too. It's no all out touring bike, but I don't think you will miss your R6.
An older VFR800 would fit that price range. I love my 1998, it's plenty comfortable and yet still sporty. Had a great time riding the tail of the dragon and then rode all the way home, 1,250 km. You can outfit it with hard luggage and you will love the music the V4 engine makes. Passenger should be comfy too. It's no all out touring bike, but I don't think you will miss your R6.

Other than the OP will be keeping his R6. VFR are great for an all-rounder. 2-up they'll do in a pinch, but as a VFR owner I'd be looking for something else.

>= 06 FJR may be a touch beyond you budget but it's a great 2-up ride. MacDoc owns a CBF1000 looking at his sig. It's another option for you and they depreciate rapidly so very affordable. A VERY popular bike in Europe.
I like my concourse 14, Two up no problem, reasonably good ergonomics with tons of power, speed and shaft driven. 100mph at around 5,000rpm. Given your budget you may be able to find an 08 model (without ABS). No its not rocking chair comfortable as a GoldWing, but I have done many long distance rides without any issue. Ideal Sport Tourer.
Same can be said for the FJ1300 but they seem harder to find in your price range.
I think the only real way to know what is a good 2 up bike is to get out and at least sit on them with your significant other and see. What is fine for some is terrible for others and you will not know till you and your passenger sit on it, better if you can get out for a ride on it as well.
OP I was considering this machine...


It is really well set up for 2 up with floor boards and lots of farkle.

I opted for the red one but this is a better deal for touring with sigO.....and in your budget.

for you

The Honda top trunk would be an $800 option
The Givi engine guards $200
Honda knuckle wind deflectors $140
Pyramid rear hugger $200
Mirror extenders $69
Passenger floor boards $150
Extra seats and upgraded foam $400.
all good farkles.

Since I was touring solo did not need the top box or the passenger floorboard. but both of those are good for your needs.
He has risers on it as well.
These are all Honda's ABS plus dual link braking system. Something I wanted over the NT700v
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^thats actually a good choice. Nice find.

I really knew nothing about the model....never knew it existed but reviewers sure like it for an easy to ride all around 1 litre bike.

There is another in Quebec City - 2012 !!! for $6k. Not as well equipped tho. The black one above...the owner is very nice to deal with.
I own two of the cbf1000s, great all around bike. , just has a stator issue which .Honda Canada has added a 7 year warranty on
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Thanks so much for everyone helping me out. I'm out of my element with this one and you guys are making it much easier for me and my significant other to find a great bike to start our new hobby together.
The CBF1000 has a 430 pound (195 kilogram) weight limit as far as I can tell.
Looks correct from what I can see online. That allows OP 70 lb of luggage assuming the side bags and top case weight 30 lb. That's a fair bit.

Menace...if all things work out I'll be back in Mississauga later this afternoon and up at the Forks tomorrow if you want to check out the CBF1000.

That would also be a great place to look over various bikes as there is a big range of machines that come by there and a lot of experienced tour riders to chat with.
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