BC raises speed limits

interesting? Do the studies cite any reason why 120 is the magic number?

"it felt right" is approximately what it's about... the rate at which the human mind takes in the scenery, feel of the car's stability at speed, et al.
There will be carnage. We have accidents at 100KM/h. The speed should be reduced until there are no more accidents.
There will be carnage. We have accidents at 100KM/h. The speed should be reduced until there are no more accidents.

Wow. I think the IQ just went down dramatically in here.

Do you really own a motorcycle?
Wow. I think the IQ just went down dramatically in here.

Do you really own a motorcycle?

"The speed should be reduced until there are no more accidents" is jokes. The most recent in a very very long series of gags. I like it.
Go jump off a bridge!

There will be carnage. We have accidents at 100KM/h. The speed should be reduced until there are no more accidents.
I think your sarcasm meter may need calibration.

You may be onto something here

Most European countries are around the 120/130 mark from the looks of things:
View attachment 35284

to compare, a good chunk of the US, mid-west mostly has 75mph or 120 kph limits, most of the east coast is 700 mph, which s still ~ 115 kph.
Its hard to imagine how anyone managed with the old 55mph national limits back in the 80's, maybe even the 70's? can't recall when they imposed those limits? i understand it had something ot do with the fuel crisis as an attempt to curtail demand?

interesting info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_limits_in_the_United_States, though it is Wikipedia, it is quite complete and thorough

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You can get them here too and I was told they also can affect your license :dontknow:

Yes, if you get caught by police for an HTA infraction while on a bicycle, and you do not (as yet) have a drivers license, they will create a record for you, to go with the ticket, and then when you get your proper license that record will be converted or carried into your new vehicular license (whatever the class).
I think your sarcasm meter may need calibration.

You know, I would have thought so too, but I have literally seen MULTIPLE people say and believe similar things in a single TorStar/Huffpost/G&M comment thread like true believers.
It's oke, I seen many people easily trolled

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS n
You know, I would have thought so too, but I have literally seen MULTIPLE people say and believe similar things in a single TorStar/Huffpost/G&M comment thread like true believers.

That's because there is merit to that point of view.
Speed limits should be raised 20-30kmh across the board, not just on highways.

I would say Highways should be 130kmh. 60 zones should be 70-80kmh.
and current 70-80 zones should be moved to 90-100kmh. because those are the speeds majority of drivers are travelling at on the roads anyway.

the only place where i believe limits should remain as is, i would say areas designated 40 or 50kmh.

and enforcement shouldn't focus on drivers going 20-30 over the limits in a straight line.
it should be focused on drivers holding up flow in the left lane, refusing to keep to the right to allow passing.
and drivers drifting in and out of lanes, weaving through traffic at high rates of speed.
and enforcement shouldn't focus on drivers going 20-30 over the limits in a straight line.
it should be focused on drivers holding up flow in the left lane, refusing to keep to the right to allow passing.
and drivers drifting in and out of lanes, weaving through traffic at high rates of speed.

So what you're saying is you'd like like to see bad driving eradicated. Interesting.
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