BBQ recipes

Grilling Over Gas Is Objectively, Scientifically Better Than Grilling Over Charcoal

"Charcoal purists will try and tell you that their preferred fuel leads to better flavor. This is, well, nonsense.
Your food doesn’t know what’s creating the heat below it, and once charcoal is hot, there aren’t any aromatic compounds left in the coals. According to the food science bible Modernist Cuisine, “Carbon is carbon; as it burns, it imparts no flavor of its own to the food being grilled.”
I was going to say how scientific that article is...

....but you beat me to it
If you're using gas to cook, it's not bbq. It's grilling. True bbq is cooked with real hardwood charcoal or wood.

as above, plus genuine BBQ is a style of cooking, in the east it pork, in the west (texas) its brisket. There is no chicken in real bbq.
But enough of that.

#1 ,take some pineapple, mango, and coconut milk (small amount) and blend to make a salsa consistency. Add some hot pepper flakes or actual minced hot pepper if you have it and check the heat level by taste.
pour in a couple shots of tequila or rum, or dont, it doesnt make much difference but it sounds good.

grill chicken or fish to your spec's, dont baste with sauce till nearly done so you can get the grill lines on the meat and the sugars in the sauce dont burn. Have some heated sauce in reserve and pour over meat before serving.

#2, Italian cheeseburgers, buy some good proccuittto or Italian style cured ham and mince it up and mix it into a small pkg of lean ground beef. Form patties and grill them up, when near done top with pecorino cheese.
a nice added touch is throwing a slice of proccuitto on the grill and letting it crisp up like bacon (it will cook very fast) and topping the burg with that as well.

taking some cheap balsamic vinegar and putting it on high heat in a heavy bottomed pot and reducing it down to a syrup makes a great topping (it gets sweet), boil it down till its like ketchup. I make about a 1/2 pint at a time, start with a full bottle of balsamic.
Speaking of balsamic..

Cut up a red onion into rings and soak them in balsamic vinegar for a while. Saute them in a pan with butter and a bit of oil (to keep the butter from burning), when they're half way there start adding balsamic into the pan.

Top your burger.
As far as I'm concerned bbq = dead animal flesh on hot iron. Here's a rub that works well with pork:

-Garlic (pressed)
-Salt/Vegeta spice mix/soya sauce (your choice, soya sauce might be a bit too strong for what we're aiming for here)
-Black pepper
-Olive oil
-Lemon juice

Let it sit for at least 8 hours for the flavour to sink in and for the lemon juice to soften up the meat
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