Been on the other end of that when I was a salesman at Jag...guy comes in scruffy looking, dirty clothes, ripped jeans, and socks and loud kids. Other guys didn't want the 'up' so they gave him to me. Talked, guy knows his stuff, ****** Vette for trade-in (5k or so) and we go for a ride.
We come back, he pays cash, and then send a 2 page letter to my boss that I was the first salesman that treated him normally due to his 'casual clothing'. Never been happier making the sale!
Anyway back on track, it's nuts what's going on and I hope we don't see the doom and gloom mentality of 'civil' war going on up here, but I can only see it spiralling out of control now South of the border. People are fed up, and the police is going to have a harder fight ahead of them in the form of public image and community relations.
Re the attire, a buddy and his wife, dressed up badazz, on his loud pipes V-twin pulled into a quiet country restaurant with a patio. They get served but he's miffed because everyone is looking at them like they're dirt-bags. ???
Re the police, USA gun attitudes, gender dominated workplaces and a multitude of other issues, at some point everyone will have to drop the present attitude of "It's always worked before". Just like a polluted lake, it's easy to dump in crap. Much harder to get it out and people are tired of the political promises of a better tomorrow.
There was a poster of two vultures sitting on a branch with one saying "Patience my a**, I'm going to kill something." It's happening.
From what have heard I get the feeling that Dallas shooter was more just disturbed than deeply politically motivated.