Bastards, they killed Kenny!

Who cares?

And 100 othet sites are still up.

Megaupload wad crappy and slow anyways.

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As for music, they make tons of money from merchandise and shows/venues. Most of the time, these shows would not even be sucessful if they were not spread on the internet. People would not go to these shows if they didn't know how good the album was or how good their music was on a whole.

Exactly. For any artists/bands that aren't mainstream radio restricting the audience's access to them via the internet will send them back into the stone age.
how narrow minded is that? So they take one site down and you're okay with it? When they go after rapidshare you'll be okay with it too?, Fileserve? when they start taking down EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE that they believe is hosting illegal property among the majority of legal stuff, you'll be okay with that too?

here's another example. I keep my photos on Photobucket. US shuts down photobucket because some guy has copyrighted pictures on there...thats cool? No websites such as that will exist anymore because filtering the content and whether its copyrighted or not is impossible, those people will not risk going to jail to provide a free service to the masses.

Say bye bye to Youtube, photobucket, facebook, EMAILS even. Do you not realize that this will neuter the growth of the internet more than all the other BS stuff they've tried to pull before put together?

Who cares?

And 100 othet sites are still up.

Megaupload wad crappy and slow anyways.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk
Say bye bye to Youtube, photobucket, facebook, EMAILS even. Do you not realize that this will neuter the growth of the internet more than all the other BS stuff they've tried to pull before put together?

Don't try to counter our argument with logic and stuff! Evil pirates like Google and Yahoo should be summarily killed for stealing content from hard-working Hollywood producers and East Texas lawyers!!!
The way the SOPA/PIPA proposal is written, a website could be shut down just for the *possibility* that it could be used to interact or deal with illegal activity in any way whatsoever.

Youtube and all similar sites gets shut down because the possibility exists that someone could post a copyright video on it.
Photobucket and all similar sites gets shut down because the possiibility exists that someone could post a copyright picture on it.
Facebook gets shut down because of the same thing.
Twitter gets shut down because of the same thing.
All internet message boards including this one get shut down because the possibility exists that someone could link to copyright material, or even post the material directly.
Google gets shut down because it could link to copyright material.
Internet service providers get shut down because they could be used to transfer copyright material.
Paypal gets shut down because it could be used to pay copyright-violators.

YES the shutdown of these sites could be avoided if the site administrator filters the material - ALL of it - ALL of the user-supplied material - EVERY message posted to a message board - to ensure that none of it contains copyright material.

The problem is that this process costs something. How many messages are posted to GTAM per day? What would it cost to pay someone to read every single post before it went public to ensure that it contained no copyright material? You can rest assured that the amount that the moderators get paid ($0) is not enough to offset this liability nor is there anywhere remotely close to enough manpower available.

And it is a presumption-of-guilt situation - the site gets blocked first and THEN the defendant has to prove their innocence and that they did all of their due diligence etc.

If implemented as written SOPA/PIPA breaks the internet. That's all there is to it.
A few days ago, it was reported that the US Congress had postponed their vote on SOPA and now it looks like the US Senate has done the same with PIPA.

I am quite sure the fight needs to continue. "Postponed" is not good enough. "Killed with fire" would be more like it.

What was REALLY scary was that congresss did not even know what they were voting on. Start watching at 3:55

here's the REAL copy music & movies, charge someone a "FEE", to join in on a crime, your going down.......

"The five-count indictment, which alleges copyright infringement as well as conspiracy to commit money laundering and racketeering, described a site designed specifically to reward users who uploaded pirated content for sharing, and turned a blind eye to requests from copyright holders to remove copyright-protected files.

The Justice Department said it was illegal for anyone to download pirated content, but their investigation focused on the leaders of the company, not end users who may have downloaded a few movies for personal viewing."
What kind of self respecting pirate would buy his laptop from Best Buy???

For laptops you don't have much of a choice.. It's all the same brands sold all over the place, so I'm sure enough buy them at BB when there's a good deal out there. Kinda pisses me off as I've paid for 3 windows licences without using them EVER, simply because tied selling is legal in this country regardless of us having laws against that practice.
For laptops you don't have much of a choice.. It's all the same brands sold all over the place, so I'm sure enough buy them at BB when there's a good deal out there. Kinda pisses me off as I've paid for 3 windows licences without using them EVER, simply because tied selling is legal in this country regardless of us having laws against that practice.

That law only applies to financial institutions.
I am interested to know what will happen to the premium subscribers of Megaupload.. I know for a while they offered yearly or even lifetime subscriptions. Reimbursement? I'm wondering because I subscribe to Rapidshare, Fileserve, and Filesonic :angry7: Hoping none of those are US-based

edit: on yeh, another thing that pisses me off is they keep making sequels. Do I really want to see another Twilight or Ironman?? sheesh .
All recycled material

I heard the reason for that is the recession.. no one is looking to risk money on a new franchise, so they just keep regurgitating old ideas
Even the new content is often complete and utter formulaic crap. Even if I had the will to pirate Hollywood crap, I wouldn't simply because it's not worth the trouble of downloading. Higher quality movies are often only to be viewed here in pirated form simply because they aren't distributed on our market. I'll have to give Robbers the props for occasionally releasing the odd quality international flick, but they're few and far between.
I am interested to know what will happen to the premium subscribers of Megaupload.. I know for a while they offered yearly or even lifetime subscriptions. Reimbursement? I'm wondering because I subscribe to Rapidshare, Fileserve, and Filesonic :angry7: Hoping none of those are US-based

Most likely you are out of luck if the US treats this as a criminal organization. Getting money back would be akin to getting your protection money back from the Mafia when the organizers were put in jail. I suppose the possibility exists that someone could file a lawsuit of some sort, but doing this on an individual basis would burn up more in legal fees than it would possibly be worth. Keep your eyes open for a class action lawsuit. Don't expect to get back any more than pennies on the dollar.
Most likely you are out of luck if the US treats this as a criminal organization. Getting money back would be akin to getting your protection money back from the Mafia when the organizers were put in jail. I suppose the possibility exists that someone could file a lawsuit of some sort, but doing this on an individual basis would burn up more in legal fees than it would possibly be worth. Keep your eyes open for a class action lawsuit. Don't expect to get back any more than pennies on the dollar.

You can't enforce a contract for illegal services. It would be like trying to get money back from your drug dealer, because he stepped on the coke one time too many.
You can't enforce a contract for illegal services. It would be like trying to get money back from your drug dealer, because he stepped on the coke one time too many.

I haven't been keeping current with the Megaupload case, but my understanding was they were not diligent enough in taking down the copyrighted material on their servers, and that's why they got in trouble? Fair enough

File hosting companies do have many legitimate purposes, though... you can't really call them "illegal services." They provide storage space for users to upload and share files, that is all.. if the users upload copyrighted materials, then yes the company should absolutely bear the responsibility of removing that, and many of them do.

I'm not sure if you were likening ALL of the file hosting companies to drug dealers or not, or only Megaupload because they're the ones in trouble
My understanding is that Megaupload went way beyond that, actively allowing paid "subscribers" to download the illegal content, de-facto purchasing the illegal content. Far from being "not diligent enough" in removing it, they more-or-less promoted that they had the content available.
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