Barrie and area

Not sure, maybe Webers?
Up for suggestions.

hrmmm.. every spring I go there cause its a pretty cool place between the trains and the bridge and whatnot, but once I get there I remember how UN-spectacular the food is.. its not really bad, its just not really good.. especially for the price..

There's that awesome place I was telling you about on Broadview.. I know Toronto isn't much of a ride, but if you've never been you SERIOUSLY have to try the burgers at this place! UNBELIEVABLE. Not open Mondays though :(
Maybe head down to Bayview/Eglongton for the ice cream Monday's meet :).
Mmmm ice cream.

lol we can do that.. we best be figuring it out soon though, the dinner hour is fast approaching.. if we're just going for ice cream I need to tell the wife to get dinner on so I can eat first!
It's all you can eat wings at hooters :) and $3 beers :):):):):):)

The wife already started to cook, and I don't eat wings, but I can probably join you for a beer or two.. send me a txt when your going.
Suppose to clear up and be pretty decent in the after work hours.. burgers???

where is this place?

Wife told me to fend for myself cause she's going to the movies....

All the way downtown, corner of Queen and Broadview. About an hour an a half to get there if we just slab it up the 400. Otherwise, however long whatever route you guys want to take.. it aint close, but its worth it.,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=13&gs_id=1d&xhr=t&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1366&bih=638&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=dangerous+dans&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=dangerous+dans&cid=11988999643577624427&ei=HJ5vTsanLIT3mAWr0YTMDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CEcQ4gkwAA
what about maybe hitting that on the way to the L&L meet if we are going this week? seems like a way to go if we are going back in 2 days....

just a thought.
what about maybe hitting that on the way to the L&L meet if we are going this week? seems like a way to go if we are going back in 2 days....

just a thought.

Up to you I guess.. I'm good to go tonight, its something to do. Claudio is in too. But where both ok waiting until thursday too.. so.. either way.
txt-ing you. this is too slow.
i have crappy cell signal here :o


ok, well I'm not too picky, but sooner the better if we're going.. i'm getting pretty hungry.

and claudio just messaged me saying its only supposed to be 12degrees on thrusday, so i think he'd rather go tonight too.
aite, well I'm leaving Elmvale in 10, would just have to stop at home quick to grab my clear shield and I'm GTG. I"ll be in Barrie by 5:30 we can leave then if everyone is ready.
aite, well I'm leaving Elmvale in 10, would just have to stop at home quick to grab my clear shield and I'm GTG. I"ll be in Barrie by 5:30 we can leave then if everyone is ready.

Claudio says 6. he's still at work.

That'l give a little more time for rush hour traffic to clear before we get downtown anyway.
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