Barrie and area

It's raining down here in Concord and I have a bunch of running around to do so I am going to take a pass.

A few of you were interested in where I got the brake light modulator, here is the link. Apparently works on a couple of the bigger Ninja's too.

If you ride tonight have fun and be safe!
I"ll be there. looks like the rain is going to hold off tonight, but tomorrow is looking to be wet.
so weather permitting, 8am at the timmies tomorrow. it's not looking to good at the moment, so we'll have to call it tomorrow morning.
the wife and i are out, gone are the days i can leave town at a moments notice.. takes planing now, and we didn't bother to book a sitter and whatnot since it dosent look like the weather is going to co-operate.
Looks like fun, but I'm out of town for a wedding that weekend.
looks like we might get some dry weather north of Barrie this afternoon, anyone up for a ride?
welp, I'm leaving Barrie at 1, heading north. anyone wants to join, be at the tims by quarter after 1. I'm heading out of the house, so text me, 705-718-1568.
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