
A bit of crackle and pop is sometimes normal. Remember, the factory bazookas often mask that sound. Richening up the mixture to the point of completely eliminating the popping sound can cause a drop in performance (and f'ing around with carbs opens up a whole new can of worms). I would have an experienced shop inspect your plugs. If the colour is ok, I wouldn't worry about it. I also have a bit of popping on deceleration, and my plugs look fine.

I'm ok with carb work, as I've done it before, but I'd rather not if I didn't have to haha as I tend to REALLY make sure they have amazing throttle response and work like a CHAMP ! I spent 4 hrs doing my carb on my honda trx450 race quad and it was an absolutle animal when I was done ! Lol....

But I was out friday and it was quite warm out so thicker/denser air and the bike didn't pop during decel quite so much, but I notice if I back off the throttle a bit it aint bad but if I back off the throttle all the way then it pops like a SOB, so this weekend since I don't have my son :( I'm going to spend sometime on it run her then yank the plug and see how it looks, if it ok I'm going turn the mixture screw up a tad and see how it looks after another run of running hard and see if it helps with the popping but maintains a nice colour on the plug
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