Avoiding fortnine now

You have to wonder if these dealers get sick of people walking in and trying on their helmets...knowing the customer is going to walk out the door and buy them online. They should undercut the online stores for this reason...even to loss leader status.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Even to the point that they have to close their doors forever. LOL
There are not huge markups on helmets. People just assume that. I owned a record/cd store store for many years. People just assumed we were paying $3 for a CD and selling it for $14.99. We were paying around $12.25 a CD. I invest $12.25 so I can make $2.74 profit. Yippee
You might have to pay a little more for the fact that you can go in, try stuff on, talk to sales people (some of them actually ride)
Especially now, when businesses are struggling. Look at Daytona, I know some people don't care it closed, but a lot of people that went there do.
If you've never owned a retail business you will never understand all of their costs.
Ordered an rf1400 recently because I wanted a more aerodynamic helmet, measured my head and ordered it, normally have no issues because fortnine has always been pretty good about exchanges/returns/refunds etc and i've always had good luck with online sizing

but this no longer seems to be the case

The helmet was VERY tight, but all new helmets are tight, so I figured it would losen up after a ride or two, but nope
every time I try to take the helmet off it feels like my ears are gonna be ripped off, in addition it feels very tight around my jaw

between this and their 3 weeks to ship all orders now, I'd just be much better off going to a local dealer

i ordered something on june 12th and its arriving tomorrow. shrug.
I used fortnine precisely because people always praised their exchange and return policies, and you would think a retailer with 0 ground presence would be more flexible, but alas, lesson learned
So exactly what was the problem? Did you attempt to exchange it and they refused?

You literally just said you ordered a helmet from them and it didnt fit and therefore it was their fault and you aren't going to order from them anymore.
You have to wonder if these dealers get sick of people walking in and trying on their helmets...knowing the customer is going to walk out the door and buy them online. They should undercut the online stores for this reason...even to loss leader status.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Counterpoint - I like being able to try on a helmet before I buy it, and even though I am a cheapskate I will gladly cough up the money to buy the helmet I want on the spot.

Problem is... I went through this with multiple shops within the last couple years, and none of them would have a helmet that I liked, fit properly, and was in a colour I wanted. And they are happy to order it in for you, but that could be like 1-3 months compared to getting it in less than a week online. I still settled on a shop and helmet and let them order it through the normal glacially slow distributors because I liked the shop and I'm a great guy, but at that point it's an objectively worse experience.
Counterpoint - I like being able to try on a helmet before I buy it, and even though I am a cheapskate I will gladly cough up the money to buy the helmet I want on the spot.

Problem is... I went through this with multiple shops within the last couple years, and none of them would have a helmet that I liked, fit properly, and was in a colour I wanted. And they are happy to order it in for you, but that could be like 1-3 months compared to getting it in less than a week online. I still settled on a shop and helmet and let them order it through the normal glacially slow distributors because I liked the shop and I'm a great guy, but at that point it's an objectively worse experience.
I really want to support local shops, but I'm running into a very similar problem.

I'm looking for a new track helmet, and almost nobody has stock to try on. Fair enough, the prices range from $500 to upwards of $1500, a lot to tie up in stock that's for a niche market. The problem comes in the fact that the local stores are objectively worse on every level than the online sellers. The price is typically 20-50% higher, they refuse any return once ordered (even if you try it on in the shop and want to return it on the spot without leaving the store), and the delivery lead times are hilariously long.

As usual, a lot of these problems are rooted in the ridiculous Canadian distributor system, but it's still hard to justify avoiding online when nobody seems to want to find a better way...
I really want to support local shops, but I'm running into a very similar problem.

I'm looking for a new track helmet, and almost nobody has stock to try on. Fair enough, the prices range from $500 to upwards of $1500, a lot to tie up in stock that's for a niche market. The problem comes in the fact that the local stores are objectively worse on every level than the online sellers. The price is typically 20-50% higher, they refuse any return once ordered (even if you try it on in the shop and want to return it on the spot without leaving the store), and the delivery lead times are hilariously long.

As usual, a lot of these problems are rooted in the ridiculous Canadian distributor system, but it's still hard to justify avoiding online when nobody seems to want to find a better way...
The bottom line is a retailer must provide additional value to command a price premium. For the most part that boils down to exceptional customer service, unique product offerings and inventory to sell. Miss any of these and you're out of business.

I do feel sorry for places like Daytona, they offered inexpensive gear and catered to the casual rider. For beginners putting around town on 250s trying to figure out whether motorcycling was a flight of fancy or an ongoning passion, they filled a niche. I know several new riders who were outfitted in full gear for a few hundred bucks. Not Klim and Shuberth stuff, but good enough to to be safe as they learned.

I see Daytona as a Covid casualty more than anything. Perhaps they could have tried a bit harder enough to survive -- a half hearted attempt to put up a website may have helped, theirs was abysmal.

Small operators are resilient, if they were making money in the past, I'll bet they'll find their way back into the game.
The one area where I feel the retail stores have hurt themselves is in the "drop shipping". You check online at some shops and it says they have a Bell helmet or Shoei helmet in stock. You go to the store and the helmet is "not in there" Yes they technically have it, but it is being drop shipped by their supplier. So yes, if you ordered it online it would arrive in 2 or 3 days, and it will look like it was shipped from that shop, but it wasn't. But if you go to the shop to try on that medium they say is in stock, that's where the customer gets frustrated.
I see Daytona as a Covid casualty more than anything. Perhaps they could have tried a bit harder enough to survive -- a half hearted attempt to put up a website may have helped, theirs was abysmal.
Covid made having a solid online presence essential if the primary revenue is from gear sales. Without the in-store experience, there needs to be a way for customers to get a feel for what you sell another way...
I've been looking at the RF1400 too now that Shoei has also added the Transition visor option. I used to always wear Shoei until Bell launched that visor, so I have been wearing Bell ever since. They are OK but I prefer the quality of the Shoei. Bell and Shoei both fit me fine.

Anyone here able to compare how the RF1400 fits vs the old RF1000?
Fortnine website is driving me nuts. I'm looking for new gloves and want to spend the gift credit my kids gave me for Christmas. When you go to add to cart -- everything is sold out!

Whey present items that you have no ability to sell?
Funny story but when using a VPN (in my case it is nord) and trying to order from some sites EVERY product shows sold out,turn the VPN off and suddenly they show stock.
I have absolutely no idea why but if you are using a VPN and having trouble keep this in mind.
Funny story but when using a VPN (in my case it is nord) and trying to order from some sites EVERY product shows sold out,turn the VPN off and suddenly they show stock.
I have absolutely no idea why but if you are using a VPN and having trouble keep this in mind.
probably can't ship to the region the VPN was connecting with.
kind of see OP's point
this situation that has closed the stores
has made online the only way

helmets/garments need to be tried on
stores closed? they need to have a more flexible return policy
kind of see OP's point
this situation that has closed the stores
has made online the only way

helmets/garments need to be tried on
stores closed? they need to have a more flexible return policy
GP bikes allows try on at road side, but return at a later date.
GP bikes allows try on at road side, but return at a later date.

will be there Monday for some riding pants

they have always been great to deal with
in this case they have zero inventory
are using my CC to pay for order from their wholesaler

prolly the only bikey retailer I would do that with
hope they fit
Were you aware of the revised contours of the neck hole? They made the RF1400 with minimal wind-noise in mind, several videos state that it is a PITA to take off, but recommend you pull outwards on the straps to help your noggin get out with ears intact.

Want a helmet to slip on and off? You may have to sacrifice noise or sizing.
Thanks for this, I tried this out, I also decided to remove the little extra chin curtain attachment that comes with the helmet, and its now ALMOST as comfortable as my old HJC, easy to put on and take off, and my ears no longer have rug burn

I suspect after some more seat time, it'll break in nicely
That was my first thought too but even when connected to their GTA location no luck.
Pretty sure it's to help prevent credit card fraud. Someone using a stolen credit card will ALWAYS be using a VPN.
I really want to support local shops, but I'm running into a very similar problem.

I'm looking for a new track helmet, and almost nobody has stock to try on. Fair enough, the prices range from $500 to upwards of $1500, a lot to tie up in stock that's for a niche market. The problem comes in the fact that the local stores are objectively worse on every level than the online sellers. The price is typically 20-50% higher, they refuse any return once ordered (even if you try it on in the shop and want to return it on the spot without leaving the store), and the delivery lead times are hilariously long.

As usual, a lot of these problems are rooted in the ridiculous Canadian distributor system, but it's still hard to justify avoiding online when nobody seems to want to find a better way...
You can't paint them all with the same brush. Inglis Cycle (London) ordered me the helmet I wanted (nobody keeps plain white in stock). Let me take it home to wear around the house for a bit. When it was too tight I returned it with all the stickers intact and they ordered me the next size.
You can't paint them all with the same brush. Inglis Cycle (London) ordered me the helmet I wanted (nobody keeps plain white in stock). Let me take it home to wear around the house for a bit. When it was too tight I returned it with all the stickers intact and they ordered me the next size.
I think a lot depends on the helmet model (and price!) and the distributor. I've asked at multiple dealers about a Bell Race Star Flex DLX, Shoei X-Fourteen, and Scorpion EXO-R1 Air, and all said no returns once ordered as they're specialty items. If I order online, a return costs me shipping, but it's at least an option. Inglis is well out of my way, but cheaper to drive there than ship a helmet back to Europe!
Fair enough but in the shop you can test fit whats in the showroom. I think mine was the wrong size because I "knew" I took a small in the hjc. Can't say what their policy is with the high end stuff.
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