Auto tech blue wall?

Those stories are indeed mostly behind me.. Still no tips, but I'm not bothered. We're truly not the cheapest option, and for some of our customers, it is a financial stretch to use us; but they do, and that in itself tells me we're doing the job very well. A big part of what enables us to do so comes from not needing to rush (push for volume) to make a profit.

A friend opened a garage and thought being the cheapest in town would get him a lot of business. All it brought in was losers who knew their cars were ready for the scrap heap. All he heard was do it cheaper, gimme a break.

He raised his rates and the losers went away. His new customers have newer cars. They want them fixed right and are willing to pay for that service. He's doing well now.
This thread's losing a bit of the focus GTAM is normally known for, that's ok tho. I'll get that wobbly rim changed, dammit, eventually. What a comedy of reasonably priced errors this has been:rolleyes:
The tipping thing was something I thought of last minute to illustrate my perception of the difference in perceived value of a dollar. Maybe I didn't make success like Borat? People value the dollar differently based on earning power, personal psychology, supply and demand etc....a $ is not the same $ to everybody. I think one must learn not to be cavalier with other people's money as one must not be cavalier with other people's time, effort and knowledge. To wit; on Friday I needed to source a commercial grade gas dryer. Only place to get one is Harco (Maytag). I've used them before. They will not sell 1 to the public anymore but referred me to a local retailer. I asked what can I expect MSRP? They said $1300. I call the local retailer, he tells me $1499. I ask why so much? Retailer says "I need to make it worth my while, they charge $100 to ship here, I have to deal with paperwork and possibly warranty yada" So that's $199 over what is already an industry standard profit. So casual except I have to work most of a whole shift to cover the retailer's extra profit on top of his regular profit. It's not the money (who's kidding who it's always the money) it's the extra effort, sweat and time I need to expend in exchange for no added value that irks.

I believe Neil's story to be very representative of what goes on. How could it be any other way when dealing with Granny Smith? But there's a ying to that yang as well. I'd like to see that acknowledged even once.

Hmm. The dryer story is unfortunate. In my mind it is tough to justify the extra money on top of that deal, but sometimes people just don't want the sale. I can't imagine why, but in this case, I do not have all the facts from their point of view.

I had a customer not too long ago who wanted a check over of their bike to make sure everything was a-okay. During the process I found some things that needed immediate attention, some that needed attention soon-ish and some stuff that could wait if the budget was tight. Went through everything with them, and sure enough, the budget was tight. I understand this, completely reasonable. I tried to help them prioritize the work so a) they don't get stuck on the side of the road, and b) none of their future weekend plans get ruined. None of the work will end up being completed, ever. I warned them what will eventually happen and as longs as they are making these decisions informed properly, that's all I can do in this case. Oh, and noted it all on the work order of course... For every one of these stories I am certain there are 10 more of customers being sold on services they don't need. Happens all the time, I'm sure.

Hopefully your rim problem gets sorted out properly.
in my decade in the trades, we had an autobody shop/tow truck service/general repair
I received two tips in the 10yrs, 1st was a asian business man i towed in off the 401, he asked if I drove the truck or owned it, I said i just drove and he gave me a substancial cash tip. 2nd tip was maybe it was a good time to get out of the autobody business.
The only time I've been towed the guy sniped me while I was waiting for CAA and then wanted $200 to tow me less than 5 km. He also scratched the roof of my car because he had thrown out the rubber bases for his magnetic lights. Definitely not tipping him. I think I'll start tipping the CAA guys, though, they're usually nice and go out of their way. Just never thought of it until now. Except that one guy that refused to put my 944 on a flat bed. I hated that guy.

Last guy that picked up my bike was awesome and the one before that was, as well, even pushed me down the road to try to bump start it a few times.

I do bring my usual mechanic a bottle of booze at Christmas.
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