Atheist Sees Image of Big Bang in Piece of Toast

300 and more pages. 79000 Views I don't know how many posts but it must have been thousands and now it ends up trash?


I know.

I'm partly to blame though because I initiated the new debate :(

Sorry guys, it was a good thread =(
Sorry, now we have two threads with the same name, with the same people contributing to both? Can I argue both sides, one in each thread?


--- D

Good point.

Pay your $5 and enter the debate on the other side or perhaps Paul can delete the few threads that he deemed that certain users were throwing insults and bring it back?
What proof do you need?

I'll make it easy.
One small shread of evidence. Just evidence not actual proof.

And please not the book. It's not evidence at all .It's just a book.

I have hundreds at home. There not evidence of anything either.
Hey guys, I'm starting a new religion.

Cookie dough is Jesus, and an egg is God. The only criteria we have to follow is eating cookies, or cookie dough, and drinking milk. While thanking eggs for giving us the glorious cookie dough. Every Sunday of course.

Who will join me?
Hey guys, I'm starting a new religion.

Cookie dough is Jesus, and an egg is God. The only criteria we have to follow is eating cookies, or cookie dough, and drinking milk. While thanking eggs for giving us the glorious cookie dough. Every Sunday of course.

Who will join me?
I'm in. :cool:
Ok, what happened people? lol
Who took the thread to the land of no return?
Keep it clean folks. Too bad... it was a good read while it lasted.
New, thread, New Edders!

I've only trashed on those nameless few who've trashed on me first, so lets hope this stays civil...

Anyway, it seems like this new and improved thread will go nowhere without the insults, becaue all we're really doing is getting religious-minded people to defend against the insults of the atheists! That's all I've ever done, I've never once, in either this thread or the otehr one, even attempted to tell someone they should believe in God. In fact, I don't recall ANYONE telling people they should believe in God.

All that's been happening here are believers defending themselves against the insults of non-believers, usually with insults in return, although some have taken the time to find intellectual arguments for religion (and that was usually countered with more insults!)

So without the insults, this thread seems dead, or at least boring :(
No posts in two days? I guess that means the believers win this thread as well (this won and the other religion one)!

I guess there's something about atheists that make them give up easily (c'mon, not even a parting insult? Call me a catlick, or stupid, or something! Maybe if you proclaim the Catholic Church is evil one more time, it may prove your point!)

Now I'm not saying that this is proof of God, but I am saying this is proof that people who are so sure they know something can be wrong, too:

Put that in your pipe and smoke it:happy3:

Chalk up another victory for Jesus Christ!:D
Here's a good one for the catholics:

The same bishop who said this:
"Of all priests involved in the abuses, 80 to 90% belong to this sexual orientation minority which is sexually engaged with adolescent boys between the ages of 11 and 17."

The statement concluded: "As the Catholic church has been busy cleaning its own house, it would be good if other institutions and authorities, where the major part of abuses are reported, could do the same and inform the media about it."

Has now joined the UN's HRC in it's advocacy against free speech.
“Abuse of rights of believers, even outright violence against them, state restrictions, undue impositions and persecution, public insult to religious feelings, unfortunately persist and call for remedy,” he said.

Democracies must beware of the drive to “set aside the respect of concrete religions” in the interest of granting the “rights of religious freedom and freedom of expression,” he said.

One cannot consider the ridicule of the sacred as a right of freedom,” the archbishop said.
What a douchenozzle. I bet even the hardcore muslims look at this kind of gall with admiration.
No posts in two days? I guess that means the believers win this thread as well (this won and the other religion one)!

I guess there's something about atheists that make them give up easily (c'mon, not even a parting insult? Call me a catlick, or stupid, or something! Maybe if you proclaim the Catholic Church is evil one more time, it may prove your point!)

Now I'm not saying that this is proof of God, but I am saying this is proof that people who are so sure they know something can be wrong, too:

Put that in your pipe and smoke it:happy3:

Chalk up another victory for Jesus Christ!:D
You mean, chalk up another victory for the FSM. I bet that guy eats pasta. Ergo, the FSM saved him. :cool:
Here's a good one for the catholics:

The same bishop who said this:

Has now joined the UN's HRC in it's advocacy against free speech.

What a douchenozzle. I bet even the hardcore muslims look at this kind of gall with admiration.

As a big believer in free speech, I'll give that one to you. But one dummy does not an Evil Empire make. God may have chosen some to be priests, but He doesn't choose who enrolls, if you get my meaning.

Anyway, check out this article.

I believe that we will never find all of the answers we are looking for. Just think, just last month everyone was ready to close the book on evolution. "We came from apes, that's it!" Well, guess again.

I'm not saying I don't believe in evolution, I just don't think evolution answers some of the heavier questions. Like for example, why aren't alligators and turtles not smarter than us, if they have been around a lot longer? And even human evolution; Why did we pretty much not do anything for hundreds of thousands of years, just to all of a sudden advance very rapidly during our evolution (they say between 50,000 years ago and now, we have advanced much more than any other living creature has, even creatures that can trace their ancestry back to the dinosaurs)?

Did something help humans evolve?

And also, I mentioned this in the last thread (RIP) but the Big Bang theory basically states that matter was created x amount of years ago in a big explosion, yet science tells us that matter cannot be created or destroyed, just altered. An explosion from nothing? Sounds like magic!
I believe that I will never find all of the answers I am looking for.

there.. fixed that for you.

Anyway, check out this article.

I believe that we will never find all of the answers we are looking for. Just think, just last month everyone was ready to close the book on evolution. "We came from apes, that's it!" Well, guess again.

Scientist never claimed that we came from apes. Their theory suggested that we had a common ancestor.... and that's what they found.

Why did we pretty much not do anything for hundreds of thousands of years, just to all of a sudden advance very rapidly during our evolution (they say between 50,000 years ago and now, we have advanced much more than any other living creature has, even creatures that can trace their ancestry back to the dinosaurs)?

Did something help humans evolve?

here's one possibility: "How Cooking Made Us Human, primatologist Richard Wrangham argues that cooking gave early humans an advantage over other primates, leading to larger brains and more free time. Wrangham discusses his theory, and why Homo sapiens can't live on raw food alone."

And also, I mentioned this in the last thread (RIP) but the Big Bang theory basically states that matter was created x amount of years ago in a big explosion, yet science tells us that matter cannot be created or destroyed, just altered. An explosion from nothing? Sounds like magic!

i think there are a few theories about what was before the big bang and they're all based on math and don't involve any magic.
i think there are a few theories about what was before the big bang and they're all based on math and don't involve any magic.

There are some fascinating calculations that can pinpoint with some reasonable accuracy as to where the Big Bang occurred, but there is yet an explanation as to how it started; Like I said, the physics of the Big Bang are still pretty much a mystery.

The pioneer of the Big Bang theory, Georges Lemaitre, had first put forth the idea that the universe was expanding away from a central point back in 1927. Fellow scientists ignored him at first because they could not get by the thought that the universe was eternal and unchanging - the prevailing scientific theory at the time.

Georges Lemaitre was a Catholic Priest as well as a physicist, so people ignored him just for that reason alone (sounds like a few people on here would've ignored him, too.) A beginning to the universe was tantamount to saying the universe was created, and also it would inadvertently give credit to the idea that an entity, or a "god" created the universe, which is why the eggheads dismissed him all those years ago.

Now everybody sees the Big Bang as something that probably happened. Thank God for Georges Lemaitre, and his inquisitive Catholic mind!
The pioneer of the Big Bang theory, Georges Lemaitre, had first put forth the idea that the universe was expanding away from a central point back in 1927. Fellow scientists ignored him at first because they could not get by the thought that the universe was eternal and unchanging - the previling scientific theory at the time.

And what have we learned about immaculant conception and the world being 6000+- years old in that time frame?

PS: Pay your 10$, I am not arguing in two threads.
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