Are you old enough to remember these motorcycle shops in To?

Re: The sticker on the back of my GT750...

My Brampton Cycle story is very similar but with a different ending.

Two of my racing buddies and I drove up to Brampton Cycle with cash in hand to buy three new motorcycles. My one friend and I both wanted the brand new Ducati 916. Our other friend wanted an inline four like a GSXR 750R or a ZX 7R.
We got there early and had to wait until they opened the doors.
Just to the right inside the door up on a display stand was the Holy Grail, a new, race red 916. The two of us wandered around looking for a salesman while our other buddy went in search of his next ride. Nearly half an hour and not one person would talk to us. Finally I got a girl from parts to point out who we should talk to. She yelled the guy’s name and he put down his newspaper and said; “What do you want?”
Me: My friend and I would like some info on the 916.
Him: See that rack of magazines over there? Pick one; they have everything you need to know.
Me: NO, they do not!
Him: Sure they do…
Me: I’ve read everything that is in print and I still have a few questions.
Him: Like what?
Me: Like how much, how many do you have and when can we take delivery?
Him: If you have to ask YOU can’t afford it!
And with that he picked up his paper and went back to reading.
By this time our buddy had returned and said they didn’t have anything he was interested in. So I said very loudly; if these azzhatz don’t want our money I’m sure we can find a dealer who does! And we left.
Buddy #1 bought a new Mazda and a used FZ750.
Buddy #2 bought Steve Crevier’s brand new, never used, 1 year old back up ZX 7R out from under me after I told him I was thinking of buying it.
So I picked up a sweet US model RC30.
Now fast forward several years to the January bike show. I cornered the then Canadian Sales Rep for Ducati North America and gave him an ear full of how we had been treated. Not only had they lost two 916 sales that day but that neither of us would likely ever want to own a Ducati if that’s the way they treat their customers. Next day he and Kim, then the sales manager, showed up at our booth and asked to speak to me. Kim gave me a very long and I believe heartfelt apology for that day. He further stated that he’d do whatever it took to make it right. I know a lot of people who have nothing good to say about Brampton Cycle and I was one of them for many years. However, Kim was good to his word and I bought my 1998 900 SS FE from them, (well sort of, it’s a long story). Whenever he’d see the wife or me he’d stop what he was doing to greet us in person. If he didn’t tend to us himself then he’d make sure someone acted as our personal assistant. Plus, he always gave us a break on the prices and the taxes. Tom, the owner, was also just as nice to us. I do not know what was said but I expect that Ducati laid down the law with them over our treatment.
Re: The sticker on the back of my GT750...

They lost Ducati. They lost Triumph. I don't know if it was over attitude or payment.
Zdeno in the junction...

There's still a faded Zdeno sign up at St Clair and Jane on a used car dealership. Pass it almost every day. Confused me because I thought they were based out of KW (never been there myself) and growing up there were two faded Zdeno signs in Guelph I used to see almost daily as well. Both within a km on different shops on Elizabeth Street. Pass them on the way in from Rockwood. Bought a used car from one of those places. Think it's just a limo service now.
Newbie to the grp This is a great thread & brought up tons of memories , I grew up in the East end & started riding in the late 60s/early 70s. Bought a few bikes from Sonic/***** & had my new 72 H2 setup by The Shop at Markham/Eglinton. LOL Yes correct it was a "Tinker Tune" , Sutherland Brothers owned the place I think. I bought the H2 from CW West for $1399. ( still have the bill. ) I remember Rodon Sports ( both locations on the Danforth) , Ernie Whites ( drooled over the Nortons) , Pitstop in WestHill ( screwed my back for a week trying out a 350 Desmo with factory clipons, ) I've got a dealer I haven't seen mentioned , it was called "House of the Yamaha" & was at Galloway Rd & Kingston, South East side, my brother was trying out a Twinjet 100 & they were riding them around in a field in the back. Good times , alot more bikes on the road in the 70s all sizes.
I guess the future shops will be like Ready honda which are combined car/bike dealerships. My BMW/Ducati dealership is owned by the Remo Ferri group with deep pockets.

The biggest factor for the demise of bike shops is the ridiculous insurance and lack of competition in the marketplace. You really have to want to ride to pay as much as a car to drive a bike for a short season.

Honda tried ramming the Powerhouse all-Honda-products concept down their dealers throats a few years ago, and failed. Only a couple of them are left, and it cost them (and us) a bunch of dealers. When they pulled Honda out of any dealer that didn't buy into the Honda-only Powerhouse concept, in some cases, existing multi-brand dealers couldn't make a go of it with Honda gone. Ready was a Powerhouse once upon a time, but they've abandoned it, by taking on other brands.

It does seem like the dealers that survive, do so because they are someone's pet projects, either a side branch of a successful line of car dealers (see above post), or because they are family owned including the land and the building which are all paid for and the owner is NOT looking at how much money they can make from a certain square footage of retail property. I'm pretty sure that Snow City Cycle and Burlington Cycle fit that latter description. They've both been in their existing locations since long before property values exploded in the GTA.
Living in the north I didn't often get to Toronto. But when in toronto, Ontario Honda was my "go to" place.

Anyone else remember when Cycle Canada (magazine) was done in newsprint?
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Anyone else remember when Cycle Canada (magazine) was done in newsprint?

Yup.And you could get a lifetime subscription for just a little more than the annual cost.
Ontario Honda was right next to my back yard.

Does anybody remember Riverdale Zoo?
Ontario Honda was right next to my back yard.

Does anybody remember Riverdale Zoo?

Was there on a big family outing yrs ago.My cousin got bit by a zebra.I think it about 1965.It closed in 1975.
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Anyone remember MX Racing at Centennial Park in Etobicoke?
I found this out this week. I imported a rare 1937 New Imperial motorcycle from England this summer and after a bit of searching found that there was a Toronto dealer. Walter Andrews Ltd. 531 Young Street. This guy won a bronze medal in the 1908 Olympics for cycling and then opened a cycle shop in 1911. I'm digging some more. I've got a line on a brochure from 1937 and the catalogue for the 1935 CNE lists the shop as an exhibitor. I often wonder if there are any period pictures of the Indian motorcycle factory as well as the board track stadium kicking around?
and I forget the name of the Yamaha dealer that used to be on Dundas West near Scarlett Road.
It was Gunther Cycle. Only Yamaha's in their inventory.

In 1972 I had a DT250 Enduro and the parts guy was a total prick when it came to buying parts for it

I was still sad to see if close however.
incorrect... Hindle has his first motorcycle repair shop on Dundas st west just north of Annette st. At the time I believe he was racing in the superbike class and his nick was SPINDLE HINDLE... because he crashed so often. He started his exhaust business after that at his home in Scarborough......
Wow, I grew up a few minutes away from his shop.
Ah remember the day when you could go to yonge/davisville for bike parts at Canada cycle sports?

Wow, what a blast from the past. My memory is fading fast, but I distinctly remember a shop called Canada Cycle Sports being on Danforth near the DVP in the late 80's? I remember going there to check out the TZR250 and RZ350. I also remember going to Hurst on Queensway in Etobicoke around the same time for the same reason.

Was a Kawi Dealer on The Queensway near Dixie in Mississauga cant recall name

I spent all of my spare time at that Kawasaki dealership in the late 80's and still not sure about the name. They only had a huge "Kawasaki" banner on their storefront, and I'm pretty sure they answered the phone with "Kawasaki". I just assumed it was Kawasaki Mississauga. It was such a small place with a showroom that only fit about 9 bikes, but I was lusting after a Ninja 600 at the time, and Oliver never seemed to mind that we showed up regularly just to hang out and shoot the ****. Anyone know what ever happened to him after the shop closed? Is he still around?
One of the oldest, McBrides.
I hear that family squabbles closed it down and that led to Riders Choice.
Bought my ZR-7 from there and the sales experience could have been better - doesn't matter now, McBrides is history.
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