Are we breathing in tire and brake dust?

Take a ride on the 401 to Scarborough and back (I'm west end) and then go home and wipe your face down with a WHITE towel. You'll see how much soot your fact is covered in ... that's what your breathing.

I respectfuly suggest that probably 99% of that is just good old fashioned dirt, not "soot". There's no modern vehicles on the road today short of modified diesel pickups (the "yeehaw, rolling cool is kewl!" weenies) that belch out soot in such a quantity as to coat anything or anyone in a film of it over such a short distance, heavy traffic or not.
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Problem solved
I respectfuly suggest that probably 99% of that is just good old fashioned dirt, not "soot". There's no modern vehicles on the road today short of modified diesel pickups (the "yeehaw, rolling cool is kewl!" weenies) that belch out soot in such a quantity as to coat anything or anyone in a film of it over such a short distance, heavy traffic or not.

could be but the white towel comes off pretty grey ...
You're worried about brake dust of your own bike? Really? There are millions of vehicles on the road, most with 4 brakes or more. All that dust goes on the road, the rain washes it into the storm sewers. Stations "try" to clean it for drinking water but they cannot catch everything. This is besides all the drugs and **** people flush down toilets. BUT you think THATS BAD? How about ****USHIMA!? THey try to vacuum up as much of the radioactive water as possible and store it in "oil tanks" on the site but most of it poured into the ocean and already made its way into the groundwater of the entire planet! Earth has been around for billions of years but has NEVER in the KNOWN RECORDED HISTORY known this kind of pollution! Radioactive water NEVER dissipates or wares down! its radioactive forEVER! Now you are seeing species by the millions washed up on shores and the "official answer" is "cause unknown"!!??? HELLO!??? But what does government do? Hey kids! Lets build MORE of these NUKE machines! Enjoy your ride man. These are the end of times for humanity on Earth.
You're worried about brake dust of your own bike? Really? There are millions of vehicles on the road, most with 4 brakes or more. All that dust goes on the road, the rain washes it into the storm sewers. Stations "try" to clean it for drinking water but they cannot catch everything. This is besides all the drugs and **** people flush down toilets. BUT you think THATS BAD? How about ****USHIMA!? THey try to vacuum up as much of the radioactive water as possible and store it in "oil tanks" on the site but most of it poured into the ocean and already made its way into the groundwater of the entire planet! Earth has been around for billions of years but has NEVER in the KNOWN RECORDED HISTORY known this kind of pollution! Radioactive water NEVER dissipates or wares down! its radioactive forEVER! Now you are seeing species by the millions washed up on shores and the "official answer" is "cause unknown"!!??? HELLO!??? But what does government do? Hey kids! Lets build MORE of these NUKE machines! Enjoy your ride man. These are the end of times for humanity on Earth.

Nice to meet you. Do you like fun?
As a counter-argument, I propose that humans now live longer than they ever have before. Not saying pollution isn't an issue, but all those cancers that are killing us are killing us later in life. Someone somewhere is doing something right.
As a counter-argument, I propose that humans now live longer than they ever have before. Not saying pollution isn't an issue, but all those cancers that are killing us are killing us later in life. Someone somewhere is doing something right.

Cancer is very much a symptom of age its pretty much a bug in our "Design" of the way our DNA replicates. Things that used to kill us on mass , Child birth, infection, Tooth Decay sickness that now has vaccines simply dont affect us like the used to. Plus we can diagnose cancer better so we see more cancer now. Environmental issues are still an additional compounding factor tho

CanadianHD said:
How about ****USHIMA!? THey try to vacuum up as much of the radioactive water as possible and store it in "oil tanks" on the site but most of it poured into the ocean and already made its way into the groundwater of the entire planet!

Yea so its pretty diluted and probably wont cause much more than an initial slight 10 year localized increase in thyroid and some other cancers.
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How about ****USHIMA!? THey try to vacuum up as much of the radioactive water as possible and store it in "oil tanks" on the site but most of it poured into the ocean and already made its way into the groundwater of the entire planet! Earth has been around for billions of years but has NEVER in the KNOWN RECORDED HISTORY known this kind of pollution! Radioactive water NEVER dissipates or wares down! its radioactive forEVER! Now you are seeing species by the millions washed up on shores and the "official answer" is "cause unknown"!!??? HELLO!??? But what does government do? Hey kids! Lets build MORE of these NUKE machines! Enjoy your ride man. These are the end of times for humanity on Earth.

Guy. breathe into a bag and calm down.

1) NOTHING is radio active forever LMFAO; every radioactive substance (defined by unstable nucleii, too many protons or neutrons to achieve balance with the orbiting electrons) has a "half-life", which is a length of time the substance will need in order for the molecules to stabilize, and become "non-radioactive". It does this by changing isotopes or into another element altogether.

2) Fukushima cleaning efforts have technologies that are able to filter out almost ALL radioactive contamination within the water itself; like you said, however, getting all this water into their systems is/has been a challenge.

3) Radioactive molecules are EVERYWHERE. they're in your body, in your house, and constantly in your surroundings. Radioactive energy is constantly passing through you. The only type you need to worry about is Gamma radiation, which is only dangerous when high concentrations of it pass through your body, enough to affect the cells in your system. The level of concentration required to alter your cells, or kill white blood cells is not commonplace on the planet; you'd need to be one of the workers working on-site when Fukushima was destroyed, without a hazmat suit, and not leaving the site for hours.

4) Recorded History is only about ~150 years. Earth is ~4 543 000 000 years old. Recorded history is only 0.00000003% of the picture. I bet Earth has been inundated with more radioactive material from the comets that have sidelined the plant than anything we've been able to create ... okay, well, maybe close to the Atom Bomb
Cow Farts, its a global issue.

I know you're joking, but the animal agriculture industry is actually responsible for more environmental damage than the transportation industry (that includes trucks and planes).

Not to mention a huge drain on both non-renewable and renewable resources.

So much this.

Is it so much that? Humans now live longer on average because of the high infant mortality rates of the good old days. Old folks today get another 10+ years of poor quality living because of medicine and practices that didn't exist in the good old days.
Tgis thread is so deep. I can't wrap my head around it
Is it so much that? Humans now live longer on average because of the high infant mortality rates of the good old days.


(edit: The forum software resized the image and lost all the data, click the story below for the full details...)

The late 19th and early 20th centuries were a golden era of American health innovation. Breakthroughs like germ theory, antibiotics, and widespread vaccination, as well as major public-health advances in sanitation and regulation, neutralized many long-leading causes of death. Life expectancy skyrocketed as a result

It's a brief story (and it discusses the downsides as well, but that's a different story), the infographic has more details if you hover over the dots...but it basically covers the realities of the situation, and they're backed up plenty of other places.
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