Architects prove that 9/11 was faked

More than ever, we live in a world where everyone creates their own "truth". The internet has led to an explosion of "fact" sites with "experts" you can use to back up whatever worldview you happen to enjoy. The most devious ones post half-truths like graphs, or testimonials, or other real data, only manipulated to show what they want.

Then you get the kind of goof who acknowledges that this is happening, but their response is just as much of a cop-out, stuff like "I guess it's entirely subjective then." or "Well the truth must be somewhere in the middle."

Ask for sources. Check the sources. Always think about the writer's motivations (what's that old saying? "Follow the women and the money"?). Don't accept everything, but don't dismiss everything either. If that all sounds difficult, it's because it is. Facts are hard work and finding the truth is even harder.
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Im confused. Do people actually think that 9/11 was the act of terrorists? And that the US wasnt looking for reasons to invade the middle east
I think the truth is between entirely subjective and somewhere in the middle.
Im confused. Do people actually think that 9/11 was the act of terrorists? And that the US wasnt looking for reasons to invade the middle east

Well technically either way its an act of terrorism. Did the us government perpetrate it on themself's. No there is no evidence to suggest that.
Then you get the kind of goof who acknowledges that this is happening, but their response is just as much of a cop-out, stuff like "I guess it's entirely subjective then." or "Well the truth must be somewhere in the middle."

I thought about this for a spell, and if this is only related to conspiracy theories then my bad, but the truth "must be in the middle" has some validity imgo. From LightCycles ride report I could have sworn he was warned of the grave dangers associated with travelling in Mexico by motorbike. He reports a hassle free voyage. Could the truth re: dangers be somewhere in the middle?
Conspiracy? LOL You guys really need to stop listening to main stream media and stop being the sheep they want you to be. It's a fact that the WTCs were imploded and anyone who says otherwise is delusional. Tinfoil hats? Cute
O/U on how many posts before someone says "sheeple" and means it?

EDIT: Or "Wake up!" (the "sheeple" is implied :lmao:)
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as mentioned before,,,, CIA,FBI,NSA,DOD,CSIS, and so on and so on. spy agencies exist.

it probably is like men in black and we dont anyways..

it makes you wonder on some certain things... there was was a mad rush to be first in space, first to be on the moon.

why cant some take a picture of all the debris up there from earth ? they can take pictures of galaxies, so lets see all the **** they left behind up on the moon.
its hard to imagine that NASA got that much info about the moon from a few pounds of rocks.

im not suggesting every single thing is a conspiricy, but you should notice that not everything is just coincidence.
7 part series:
Truther who changed his mind:

Part 7 was one of the most compelling, they talk about the psychology of a 9/11 truther. Why they're susceptible to conspiracies, and easily subscribe to aliens, UFOs, rothschild, illuminati, all the steaming crap under the sun.

The U.S. has very real problems right now, where the banks, military-industry complex, energy, oil completely run the country. Legalized bribery of elected officials that go all the way to the White House.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court is for sale, which ever justice has the most money to run their campaigns wins their seat.

General Electric, General Motors, Boeing, Verizon, ExxonMobil, JP Morgan Chase, Wal-mart, etc have paid 0% in taxes. ZERO PERCENT and this was from an audit done between 2008 and 2012. They are literally writing the laws.

They need to re-write their constitution and get money out of politics after the Citizens United ruling.


I agree we've had false flag operations in the past: Bay of Pigs, Iraq War, etc. But you need to go to the root of the problem. Stop the 9/11 and Illuminati BS and focus on current events Koch Brothers, mandatory arbitration (look up Jamie Leigh Jones vs. Halliburton).

Great documentary from HBO called Hot Coffee:


I respect everyone's opinions, we live in a free country... we can all believe w/e we want. I have neighbours who worship imaginary sky-gods and believe in fairytales, written in a book 2000 years ago... which when compared to 9/11 truthers is somewhat of an upgrade.

Just wanted to say my two cents.
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