Appliances brands?

Revive an old thread. My dishwasher has bit the dust.I won't go anywhere near Samsung.What about Bosch or Maytag?
We inherited a Bosch 12 years ago from the PO. It got something stuck in it three years ago and stopped working. I took it apart and looked in the choke points, finding nothing. Put it back together and it has worked ever since. We left a Maytag 12 years ago and it failed shortly after. I think there’s been a few second hand unknown brands in there since.

Our washer is an LG. I think they have a decent reputation.
I know that LG is being sued over the short lifespan of their refrigerators with linear compressors.

We have an LG fridge with the linear compressor. They did have issues with the very early models, the first year or so of production IIRC, but I'm pretty sure it was addressed. We bought ours about 5 years ago from Lowes, bought an extended warranty on it just in case, and here we are 5 years later and the thing is a Timex. And with my whole home energy monitor I can see first hand how effecient it is - it is a true energy miser for sure.

Even the in-door ice maker still works perfect.

I think the stats I saw was that 8% of the linear compressor fridges were effected, and that was in the early years. I believe the issue got blown out of proportion compared to the number of people actually having issues, and like I said, I believe it's been resolved.

Revive an old thread. My dishwasher has bit the dust.I won't go anywhere near Samsung.What about Bosch or Maytag?

We love love love love love your Bosch dishwasher. The damn thing is not only near silent (It's insane, sometimes I am literally in the kitchen and can't hear it running), but I swear we could load it with a wheelbarrow and it would still get stuff perfectly clean. I've turned on a few of our friends to Bosch as well over the years and they are converts now as well.
We have mostly Kitchenaid except the stove top which is thermador . It’s all ok.

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Coincidentally I just replaced my sister's Bosch dishwasher for her last week. It was still under warranty so it didn't cost her anything. It is quiet, but any dishwasher that's decent will be quiet now. Her LG fridge got replaced 2x under warranty, and when it failed the third time they just gave her a new fridge.
Love our Bosch dishwasher. Wife loads it with a wheelbarrow and it still cleans.

Our 5yr old Fridgidaire fridge has started making a noise that seems to be fan-related. Can be pretty loud at times then it just goes away but it seems to be a daily thing now.
We have LG washer and dryer, Still have the same Maytag fridge that is now 22yrs old and works great. even the coldwater and icemaker are working like the day we plugged it in. Stove is a moffat.
One issue I've noticed is that many store warranties don't cover shelves, drawers, and sliding mechanisms, which are often the parts that break a
About 6-8 months after buying a new fridge ball bearings were falling on the floor.
I called. "They're not covered that's normal wear and tear" "NO! Normal wear and tear doesnt have parts falling out in less than a year"
The girl finally agreed to send me the part for free and I installed it.
About 6-8 months after buying a new fridge ball bearings were falling on the floor.
I called. "They're not covered that's normal wear and tear" "NO! Normal wear and tear doesnt have parts falling out in less than a year"
The girl finally agreed to send me the part for free and I installed it.
I don't look at warranty when buying anything. They are rarely worth the paper they are written on.
Same here. And I NEVER even let them waste my time by trying to explain/sell me an extended warranty. That's a pure scam.
Revive an old thread. My dishwasher has bit the dust.I won't go anywhere near Samsung.What about Bosch or Maytag?

In 2008 I was shopping for appliances and wasn't considering Bosch, but it was one of the few that came in the dimensions I needed and also happened to be on clearance.

We were happy enough with it that the next year when we decided to get a dishwasher, we bought a Bosch 800 EVO. After installing it, I thought I did something wrong, because I could barely hear the water spraying without putting my ear close to the door. It's gotten louder over the years, but still quiet enough that it doesn't bother us when running while we watch TV in our open concept kitchen/family room, and has been problem-free ever since. We actually brought both Bosch appliances with us to our current home which came with all Frigidaire appliances and moved the Frigidaires to the old place before selling it.

The fridge has had a couple of problems, but most have been easy, affordable fixes ($80 start capacitor, $80 evap fan). The one thing we haven't fixed was replacing the $250 water valve that appears to have clogged from our hard water, but we didn't even have the ability to run a water line to it when we originally bought it, so it was technically a bonus when we moved it to the new place. Maybe one of these days I'll remove it and soak it in decalcifier, but it's not a priority.
Another vote here for Bosch dishwashers. Whisper quiet and works very well.

We've had an LG fridge for 7 years now. Two years in the compressor went, so that was addressed. Otherwise its been good. Time will tell.

13 years ago, we spent a crap ton on Maytag for our first washer/dryer as a married couple. Crapped out after 18 months, no warranty coverage. Bill was going to be $1,400 to repair. I'll never buy Maytag again.....long gone are the days of the bored repair guy!
I've got a Bosch dishwasher, had it for over 10yrs. only thing is it runs a cycle for close to 2hrs, thats the lowest setting
I've got a Bosch dishwasher, had it for over 10yrs. only thing is it runs a cycle for close to 2hrs, thats the lowest setting
Ours is about 5 years old, and it has a 30 minute cycle. I noticed a few other brands now have a quick cycle too.
Our 5yr old Fridgidaire fridge has started making a noise that seems to be fan-related. Can be pretty loud at times then it just goes away but it seems to be a daily thing nonow.
My Kitchenaid, at the same age was similar.
Huge ice build up in and around the fan.
I defrosted it a few times, but that got old in a hurry.
Called the repair people. $550 later, it was doing the same nonsense in a couple days.
Bought an's been trouble free for 13 months.
I had 30+ year old, perfectly working Hotpoint appliances (washer, dryer, stove, fridge) that I left in a house I sold.
I regret that decision daily
We avoid Maytag and all sub brands as we had absolutely horrible customer service from them. That BTW is hard to do (avoid sub brands).

We have GE for washer and dryer, old school (white top load etc.) simple base models. They have not been great, I had to jerryrig the pushbuttons (smooth panel buttons and the panel surface broke and the buttons fell inside, fixed mostly with packaging tape) on the washer and the timer knob on the dryer keeps breaking, more jerryrigging on that as the family couldn't figure out how to use it when I replaced it with vicegrips... Both of those started giving problems at only a few years old. Both washer and dryer have had the belts replaced. Overall I think we are at 10 to 12 years. I keep them running, DIY repairs...

Frigidaire fridge I think is now eight or 10 years? Lower model with little electronics. Still works fine never had to touch anything.

Both of those brands may be different (for better or worse) now new.
Harder to find these days but IMP the less electronics the better IMO. I don't need designer looks and fancy features. Fridge, I want to to freeze things in the freezer and make things cold in the fridge. Washer I want to put dry dirty clothes in and get clean we clothes out... Those features seem to be way down the feature list of fancy these days.
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Fridges are the only thing I get an extended warranty on. Bought one about 18 months ago, had a service call for the ice maker within the first 12 months. I'll have to check the brand of the fridge when I get home, I can't remember who makes it.

It's an Electrolux fridge, checked last night.
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