Apple Watch = Hand-held Device?

Somewhere someone was selling a phone or tablet holder that mounted to the middle of the steering wheel.

At least in the event of a collision the driver gets a facefull of airbag driven phone.

Cell phone laws are another example of trying to find a way of holding the clean end of a turd.

All of the focus is directed at the hands when the true danger comes from mental distraction and vision issues.

The present laws make the vision issue worse. When texting was legal you could hold the phone up where you at least got some peripheral vision. Now when you cheat the phone is on your lap.

Some studies put cell phone usage while driving in the same risk category as drunk driving. Why not the same penalties? Loss of licence.
I agree penalties should be the same if not harsher.I believe a stat came out say more people are killed because of texting and driving then drinking and driving.
Somehow I wouldn't find that stat shocking. Rode to gp last week and from the 410 and 401 all the way there I lost count how many I saw on their damn phones while driving along at 120. Then people wonder where rage comes from :rolleyes:
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