Apple warning

They make a good product. I just absolutely refuse to be locked into their world.

They have you right where they want you, and they are experts at sucking every dollar out of your wallet they can.

Feel sorry for some of you guys...
Don't feel sorry. I'm very content.
I am surprised we have tech brand fanboys/girls here. I use tech from most brands. There are pros and cons to all of them but brand loyalty is pretty dumb for this imo <_<

The vibration stuff isn't anything new. Years ago I had a Sony action cam. The vibrations from my bike would cause the battery to momentarily disconnect, which would shut off the recording. No way in hell did I have time to check if the camera was on if I had turned it on because it meant I was doing stupid **** and had to focus on riding so much footage was lost...

...probably a really good thing it shut off in hindsight lol
I am surprised we have tech brand fanboys/girls here. I use tech from most brands. There are pros and cons to all of them but brand loyalty is pretty dumb for this imo <_<

The vibration stuff isn't anything new. Years ago I had a Sony action cam. The vibrations from my bike would cause the battery to momentarily disconnect, which would shut off the recording. No way in hell did I have time to check if the camera was on if I had turned it on because it meant I was doing stupid **** and had to focus on riding so much footage was lost...

...probably a really good thing it shut off in hindsight lol
I dislike most apple tech these days but don't judge those that like it. Similar to sketchup/inventor the ecosystems operate differently and most people are used to and prefer one or the other. Personally, I like android for the simple, always available back button. Most other things are a wash. That one feature though means almost every mobile device I buy is android. In the past, the trackpad on macbookpros was so far ahead of the competition that it made sense to buy one. More than a decade ago, that gap disappeared and I haven't bought a MBP since.

I like Apple stock. It has done very well for me.
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Does anybody make still phones so cheap that they don't have OIS? Might have some value for riders. Actually just looked it up, there are TONS, I just assumed it would be a standard feature by now. A lot of Xiaomi phones don't have it, Galaxy A32, Motorola Edge doesn't

I am surprised we have tech brand fanboys/girls here. I use tech from most brands. There are pros and cons to all of them but brand loyalty is pretty dumb for this imo <_<

The vibration stuff isn't anything new. Years ago I had a Sony action cam. The vibrations from my bike would cause the battery to momentarily disconnect, which would shut off the recording. No way in hell did I have time to check if the camera was on if I had turned it on because it meant I was doing stupid **** and had to focus on riding so much footage was lost...

...probably a really good thing it shut off in hindsight lol
That stuff is etched deep down like Coke vs Pepsi, Playstation vs Xbox, Guinness vs Pennzoil
30 kms on my iPhone 8 and it keeps on ticking.

iP8 doesn't have optical stabilization in it's camera however so there's no concern there.

My old iPhone 11 did however and rode on my handlebars on my Xgrip for over 50,000km across 2 summers with no issues at all with the camera.

I think the key is to just not activate the camera when riding. I did accidentally press the camera button once while the bike was running and the resulting gong show of what came up on the display was suggestive of the fact the stabilization system was doing the funky chicken in there - I can see how that could break things.
iP8 doesn't have optical stabilization in it's camera however so there's no concern there.
AFAIK it does have it. It's a proprietary part so I can't pull up a datasheet but I can link this page of the iFixit teardown
Interesting, didn't realize that - I can tell you as a former owner of an 8 that it couldn't hold a candle to the OIS on the iPhone 11 and up however - the amount of stabilization on them is absolutely amazing - if you can make even the slightest effort to film something in a smooth fashion, the results are downright cinematic sometimes.
just putting personal experience. I've had multiple samsung smartphones. I change quite frequently (but not every new model)
always had my phone on a simple ram mount on the handlebars since I've been riding.
never had an issue with OIS breaking on the phone.
phones i've had: s7 active, s9, s10+, Note 20 ultra

have heard that engine vibration frequency/configuration (inline-4, etc) could play a role, but i've had my fair shares of those as well, see sig.
I messed up my old Huawei P20 Pro that way. I kept it when I upgraded so it's now my dedicated Waze device on the bike. I also use it as my pedal-bike computer. I turn on Mobile Hotspot on the new Samsung Galaxy that's in my pocket and off I go.
@Mandanleo got her iPhone damaged by this, the camera is all blurry and wavy now and has a high pitched noise on video, handlebar mount, took a month to damage it though.
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