Apple VS Windows??


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My HP laptop is starting to go bananas, but after 6 years of ownership, I feel like I got my money's worth out of it.
I'm currently in the market for a new laptop and I can't decide between the Apple Macbook Air/Pro VS. another HP.

Every one keeps telling me to get the Apple, it's so much better but they never give me a reason why.
What is it about the Apple computers that is much better than a standard HP/Samsung/etc.?
Forget what Apple fanboys tell you. You waited 6 years, I suggest waiting another few months to see how this Windows 8 turn out to be. Then make a decision on your own.
In terms of hardware - not much.... But Apple's OSX is generally believed to be more intuitive and easier to use.
I don't know how the new Windows system works though, haven't used it yet.
Apple's issue was its deficiency when it came to games and spreadsheet/office/database type of programs. It was a choice of people in the graphics/animation/music business - media.
I guess it kind of depends what do you want to do with it.
Apple hardware is now almost exactly the same as other hardware in terms of internal components. The software is very different.

From my perspective if you know how to use windows and like it then stick with it. If your applications all run on windows then stick with HP.

If you are just using a browser for the most part it makes no difference.

Apple is more expensive but there is no good reason why.
I think this thread is going to go a bit loopy soon.

Personally, there are only 2 laptop brands I trust, Asus and Lenovo. That's just my experience

I've never owned a mac so I can't help you there.
Good post^

Fanboys will go batshit trying to convert you to their cult and bashing Windows but won't have a single good reason to give you. My gf's Macbook Air does nothing better than an Asus Zenbook. My Alienware M18x cost the same as my roommate's Macbook Pro and crushes it in every category except "it's a Mac".

Unless you're too incompetent to use Windows or are a graphic design student you have no reason to go buy a Mac.


HP has kind of gone downhill in the Quality Control dept. I would stick with Asus, Acer or Lenovo.
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it's 2012, everything quite frankly, does the job... and quite well. Ubuntu is also a very competent OS. If this is more about hardware, Apple does have excellent quality. Higher end Asus, Lenovo and Dell (as of late) are on par. Apple has an edge in reputation and style, they do not have a "budget" line which can cause negative market image.
HP has kind of gone downhill in the Quality Control dept. I would stick with Asus, Acer or Lenovo.

HP has been on a steady decline for the past few years.

Asus, Lenovo, Samsung or Eurocom are good choices.
The hardware specs are pretty much the same, function is a bit different though. Macbooks have THE best trackpads, I hate using external mice so this is very important for me, keyboard is top notch too. Macs have some of the best battery life, my two and a half year old MBP still lasts five hours on regular use (94% life, 230 cycles). Apple has THE best warranty support, being able to walk into an Apple store and get on the spot help, without having to send it away, is unbeatable. The design and build is excellent as well, it really is a beautiful thing. I'll take machined aluminum and glass over plastic any day. There's a reason so many laptops copy the Pro/Air design. If you don't care about any of the above, it doesn't really matter what you get.

As for OS-X vs Windows, I think it's a tossup. They both work, I much prefer OS-X, but have nothing against Windows. If you do need Windows, Parallels works great. Allows you to run OS-X, Windows, and whatever else side by side. There are also some PC laptops that will run a Hackintosh install.

People like to say they're expensive, but the top tier PC laptops are about the same price, sometimes more. Mac's keep their value a lot better than PC's, if you calculate that, they're pretty reasonable.

If you do get the Air, make sure to get 8gb of ram as it's not upgradeable.

BTW, 13" Retina Macbook Pro may be announced tomorrow, won't be cheap though, expected to be $16-1700
I thought HP were out of the hardware business.

Anyways I've had access to an iMac for the past few months. Don't have much use for it, it does everything my Win 7 laptop does, but slightly different in terms of the user interaction. I find it convenient for viewing my GoPro videos because it has a larger screen. It's handy that it boots in just a few seconds, and doesn't have a big footprint, because most of the time it's just sitting there unused.
I have a Sony Vaio and an iMac. If you have other apple products I would highly recommend a Mac. I just bought numbers which is apples excel. It cost me 20$, how much does excel cost? You can not beat apples warranty, you can not beat apples trackpad. The OS of either is fine, but I personally prefer Macs.

I get just as frustrated with my iMac as I do my Vaio, but when everything is put together I will always take a Mac.
Every one keeps telling me to get the Apple, it's so much better but they never give me a reason why.

Of course its better..... its costs more so it has to be. $3000 retina Macbook anybody?


Check out Sony Vaio. Cnet review........

The bottom line:Lightweight, comfortable, and with a good feature set, the Sony Vaio S 13P might be expensive compared with other Windows laptops offering a similar package, but it beats Apple's 13-inch MacBook Pro, for the same price.
Of course its better..... its costs more so it has to be. $3000 retina Macbook anybody?


Check out Sony Vaio. Cnet review........

The bottom line:Lightweight, comfortable, and with a good feature set, the Sony Vaio S 13P might be expensive compared with other Windows laptops offering a similar package, but it beats Apple's 13-inch MacBook Pro, for the same price.

Typical quality Sunny post, taking a good discussion and sending it downhill
Oh, also if you end up choosing Windows over OSX, don't get suckered into paying for any 3rd party anti-virus/malware utility (McAfee/Norton...). Microsoft offeres it for free and it works very well.
Think about building your own. Sit down with your computer guy and get all the parts (there really aren't that many) listed. Find the cheapest prices online and order them. Lots of tutorials on how to assemble a laptop, and worst comes to worst, you take it in and let someone put it all together for you. You got to be careful to make sure all the parts are good together, but that's about it.

Likely spend the same amount as a Mac, but the specs will be a lot better. Likely still have warranty on all the parts you buy as well.

It's what I'd do if I needed a new computer soon...
Think about building your own. Sit down with your computer guy and get all the parts (there really aren't that many) listed. Find the cheapest prices online and order them. Lots of tutorials on how to assemble a laptop, and worst comes to worst, you take it in and let someone put it all together for you. You got to be careful to make sure all the parts are good together, but that's about it.

Likely spend the same amount as a Mac, but the specs will be a lot better. Likely still have warranty on all the parts you buy as well.

It's what I'd do if I needed a new computer soon...

Never heard of someone assembling a laptop, do they sell laptop housings/motherboards by the piece?
Never heard of someone assembling a laptop, do they sell laptop housings/motherboards by the piece?

You might actually be right. To be honest, I've been piling parts for a new dream desktop for a couple months and just assumed it was the same. You'd think now a days you'd be able to build your own laptop. Maybe not...
Since you have a 6 year old laptop then one can infer that you use it for Office and browsing.

I suggest a nice $500 Toshiba or Asus laptop.
Save your money. Windows 7 with ideally 8 gigs of ram but 4 is fine makes for a powerful machine that will last for another 6 years.
The new Samsung laptops look pretty good too.
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