Anyone use drone in conjunction with motorbike either off or on road??

Flying weed whacker comes to mind.
You learn some pitfalls by playing. When flying indoors, if you get too close to the ceiling, it experiences something like ground effect and quickly vacuums itself to the ceiling and then crashes to the ground. I was trying to use a drone to clear out inaccessible dust bunnies. I'm not sure that collision avoidance could save it from that crash. There is lots of room until a fraction a second before there is no room
You learn some pitfalls by playing. When flying indoors, if you get too close to the ceiling, it experiences something like ground effect and quickly vacuums itself to the ceiling and then crashes to the ground. I was trying to use a drone to clear out inaccessible dust bunnies. I'm not sure that collision avoidance could save it from that crash. There is lots of room until a fraction a second before there is no room
Hmm a Christmas gift for the Mrs. Does double duty as a cat / dog exerciser, laser chasing is passe.
....................I was trying to use a drone to clear out inaccessible dust bunnies. ...............
One of my to-do list entries was to get the dust/cobwebs on the ceiling/corners above the stairs. I had put it off for ages. Was finally prodded again about it and it occurred to me that my cheap little Ryobi leaf blower may just work since it wasnt good for anything except blowing out the garage floor. I was stared at when I brought it in the house. 10 seconds later the comment was 'hmmmm...interesting'. Clean ceiling. Floor on the other hand......not my job.
One of my to-do list entries was to get the dust/cobwebs on the ceiling/corners above the stairs. I had put it off for ages. Was finally prodded again about it and it occurred to me that my cheap little Ryobi leaf blower may just work since it wasnt good for anything except blowing out the garage floor. I was stared at when I brought it in the house. 10 seconds later the comment was 'hmmmm...interesting'. Clean ceiling. Floor on the other hand......not my job.
Only had gas powered leaf blower at the time.

When cleaning the last house to sell there was some dust stuck in the popcorn ceiling as I had a fan on and blowing up most of the time we owned the house. Compressed air and a blowgun made a huge difference to the ceiling. Hell of a mess on every other surface. It's amazing how much dust the ceiling can hold.
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