Anyone know this crook?

Lol post this everywhere with a properly written out story of what happened, including time/place..this could be Ragu 2.0

This is a good idea. Get a few hundred 8 1/2 x 11 posters printed with his pic and put them all over the area.
how'd your friend get the guy to stop and exit the car he was stealing???
how'd your friend get the guy to stop and exit the car he was stealing???

ya, and how did the guy start the car?
Surprised crook didn't want to fight small IT guy for taking the photo.

Lol - do did the guy call the cops?

Btw . When's the new rules on citizen arrest going to come out..
haven't chatted with him live about this yet....just email

cops have the same photo and say they're looking into it

I think he got there just in time and stood in front of the car and started screaming and taking pics

not sure what the guy did to get in and start the car
cops have the same photo and say they're looking into it

The way I looked at that wonderful work from home make millions offer that I got over the e-mail this morning :cool:
I spent a few years in Vancouver and lived in an area that was notorious for car theft. On the advice of a cop I modified my car by relocating the fuel pump relay to inside the car within easy reach of the drivers seat.

When I parked my car I would simply pop the relay off and put it in my pocket. No relay = no start. I kept a spare relay buried in the trunk in case I lost the one in my pocket.

The dirtbags that steal cars don't usually carry spare relays nor would they even know what the problem is.

Good luck with ID'ing the creep. I hope he's caught.


PS: Ragu isn't from Brampton, that particular POS is from my town - Ajax. Seems that the dirtbags are finding Scarborough too expensive so are slowly moving East.
cops don't care about car theift....
Dude gets busted in a vehicle, gets a slap on the wrist, goes to jail to learn some more "tips" from other inmates, gets 3 square HOT square meals a day, gets a tempature controlled place to stay and sleep, full access to a top notch gym, and an education if he choose's so!

Our jail system is a bloody joke.
I've spoke to alot of criminals and they have it far better off in jail then not.
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