Damn, beat me to the Boston Pizza joke...
edit: lol op's current activity: Viewing Thread I Saw You: V.2.0 hoping to find her own description
Time to start using a sanscript font...
Damn, beat me to the Boston Pizza joke...
edit: lol op's current activity: Viewing Thread I Saw You: V.2.0 hoping to find her own description
Ah, the old Boston Pizza thread.. that was a classic a few years ago.. basically some guy posted here asking if the guy he met at Boston Pizza was here so they could hook up for a ride or something.. and it went viral with homo jokes. Ever since then there Boston Pizza has been a reference to that.
Theres been a few classic threads over the years,
* Boston Pizza
* r1Timmay
* The TAFB ride with the pink bikini girl
* Should I complain to HR
Don't forget the trash talk special: Bumps on my junk (not suspension related)
I click reply. I click Post Quick Reply. Font changing is for nerds that work on computers all day. (That's what I'm doing right now)