According to the sleep expert, this is the conundrum.
You feel like you'll get all the sleep you want when you are gone, but the lack of (using this term loosely) proper sleep will effectively shorten your lifespan with higher chances of (insert ailment here). Stuff like heart disease, Alzheimers, etc etc.
If you aren't overwhelmed yet, another thing to read more about is the topic of how your "gut biome" can affect the rest of your body. If you have eaky creaky joints and ligaments or other ailments caused by inflammation, you might want to look into what you are eating, and see if you lack the gut friendly foods like probiotic yogurts, kimchee, etc. They say lack of proper gut cultures will lead to inflammation which leads to ________. In short, pop a non-kiddo-yogurt and eat some kimchee here and there.
OH, if you're eating heavily processed foods that your body struggles to digest properly, your body will be working overtime trying to figure out what to do with that crap while you sleep, leading to less fulfilling sleep. VS if you ate along the lines of a keto diet, simple unprocessed greens and protein, stuff that your body/ancestors have been accustomed to eating and digesting, your body will know what to do with it from thousands of years of evolution and turn what you eat into poop quicker, which means your body will be working LESS to digest while you sleep. Something like that. Disclaimer: Not an expert, just loosely cliff-noting what I can recall reading.