Anyone into gardening here?

No veggies this year but the hostas are stellar.
I think the suggestion from Shane on slug control plus a couple other tricks did the trick.

Is that batch of hot peppers in the middle organic or a genetically modified organism?
2016 Bump.

High Park is having their annual native plant sale on Sunday May 8th - Mothers Day from 11am-2pm. The cherry blossoms will probably also be in bloom. Come by if you are in the neighbourhood - I'll be working the plant sale and more details here:

Anyone doing the veggies again this year? I have some stuff started indoors and looking forward to building some raised beds this year - maybe this weekend. Front yard has all kinds of nice bulbs coming up.
So my dad is going to Europe for the next 4 months. This will be the first time I will be planting my veggies on my own. Gonna weed it, turn the soil/ add some manure this week. Planning on planting the long weekend. Wish me luck.
Shane, can I leave tulips in raised beds year round?

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You're one of them huh?

I have sharp odorous memories of my old neighbour faithfully putting down manure several times a year. It was impressive how much it stank.
Only 1 or 2 bags every other year.
Gotta keep the windows open on the suv though. ?

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I have a lot of things started indoors and I already planted some of the early season veggies outdoors
My garden was put in on the 4th, save for one tomato plant. I got the rototilling done around May 1st or so. Got potatoes, peas (including sugar snap), two types of cucumbers, carrots, two types of onions, two types of radishes, two types of tomato plants, lettuce, some chinese greens and some bok choy. Rhubarb and raspberries are ever present as well. If we get any freezing temps over the next two weeks I'll have to cover the tomato plants but everything else will be fine.

I leave my tulips to come in year over year in my flowerbed. I did have to replant them deeper as over the years they had migrated a fair amount to the surface.

I also picked up some milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) to help the pollinators and monarch butterflies. It will flower a nice orange colour. I managed to grab five flower baskets for the back yard this year.
How the hell do you stop stupid squirrells/rabbits from eating your tulib buds? Most of my tulips have been ravaged already! lol
April showers bring May flowers. (courtesy of mrs FLSTC)


Joe: You can leave the tulips in raised beds year round. If you are planting veggies in the same bed, then it just might make it easier to plant your food with the tulips dug out so you don't damage the bulbs and lose the garden space while seeds or little plants are trying to grow. Digging out tulips is easy - just clean the soil off the bulbs and store them in the sunlight with the leaves attached because the leaves will still perform photosynthesis and the food energy from the sun will be stored in the bulb. Once the leaves have yellowed or browned out, then cut the leaf stems down to about 1/2 inch from the bulb. Store them in a mesh bag in a cool dark place like a garage or basement until November/December for planting again.

lator-illa: To stop rodents eating your tulip flowers, you can try sprinkling black or cayenne pepper on the soil area near your tulips and it should help deter them. Bloodmeal is also a good deterrent and is often used when planting bulbs to keep the squirrels away.

Regarding the monarch butterfly's there is also Swamp Milkweed (A. incarnata) which will grow in the moist conditions if you have it. If you have a big open space, the Common Milkweed (A. syriaca) is a great plant too, but it will spread via rhizomes and can be a bit invasive for the smaller home garden. Good that you are planting the milkweed. More use of native pollinator plants in our gardens is a good thing.

Supposed to get a hard frost tonight.
Ewww manure... I recommend you use mushroom compost. I use it in all my garden space but my tomatoes and my hops like it the most. Keep it away from evergreens though.
I have giant Russian sunflowers, nasturtium, marigolds and tomatoes started. I'm not brave enough to put anything in ground/start planters. Give it a few more weeks. My hibiscus was successful in Re blooming this year. Inside but still a win.
Anyone know about trees? I have a Shubert Chokecherry tree. I planted it to commemorate the birth of my first son, and is rightfully named, The Joshua Tree ?. I am familiar with black knot disease, which I deal with every 1 or 2 years. But today I noticed something that looks like a spider web/ cocoon forming in the branches. And it had some sort of larvae crawling on it. (I think). Is this tree related? Or just some insects starting something, and I should just take the hose to it? I will try to get a picture tomorrow, but it's pretty high up.

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^^ do an image search of tent caterpillars and see if that is what you have. I'm thinking that it is a tent caterpillar nest and easiest way to get rid of it it to use an extended bypass pruner and just cut the portion of the branch off.

edit: meme if you like hibiscus, there are some outdoor ones too, like the Rose Mallow and the Disco Belle.
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@shanekingsley I'm not sure if you drink, but I owe you at least a beer for all the advice. That looks like what I have. I will lop off that branch (unfortunately, a main one) about a foot down from the tent. Then I will take down the branch with the black knot and bag them both, and bleach solution clean my tools.

Wasn't going to put the tulips with the veggies, was thinking raised bed around the deck, but looks like animals are burrowing under it, so I'm gonna have to place some decorative rock around the deck as a blocker / deterrent.
I think I will be putting a stone ring around the front tree, probably put the tulips there.

@SurrealTrip is this mushroom compost available everywhere? I weeded the garden tonight, so will be ready to add the fertilizer within the next few days.

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It may be a bit of a hike for some but the mushroom farm on Guelph line, north of derry, south of Steeles , Campbellville, gives the leftover compost away, its in a pile out near the road and you back your car/truck up to the pile and shovel. Usually three or five dumptruck loads out there.
I see people using recycle tubs, garbage cans, bags, whatever.

Its sourced to them from horse race tracks and stables around the province so tends to have a high straw content but the price cant be beat (free)
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