Anyone into gardening here?

So...grackles have decided my garden is party central. I put mixed seed out and the f@#$ers throw everything about unless it’s sunflower seed. I have a healthy forest of whatever seed it is they don’t like growing under the feeder. They scare off the other birds except wood pigeons.

They are like the Leeds United fans of birds...loud, unruly, messy and hang around in big gangs.

I'll still feed them though.
So...grackles have decided my garden is party central. I put mixed seed out and the f@#$ers throw everything about unless it’s sunflower seed. I have a healthy forest of whatever seed it is they don’t like growing under the feeder. They scare off the other birds except wood pigeons.

They are like the Leeds United fans of birds...loud, unruly, messy and hang around in big gangs.

I'll still feed them though.
Yup grackles are the big-meanies. They also pecked the **** out of All my cherries and plumbs this year.

Get a plastic owl from Dollarama - grackles don’t like them, the other birds don’t seem to mind.
Yup grackles are the big-meanies. They also pecked the **** out of All my cherries and plumbs this year.

Get a plastic owl from Dollarama - grackles don’t like them, the other birds don’t seem to mind.

guess what's sold out in the dollaramas near me....

Don't think I'm the only one with a grackle problem!
I was planning on a couple large tomato sammichs from this yesterday.
I'm thinking either a rat, or something rabid (it saw red) got to it first. It was on the vine. No green ones (or anything else) were touched.
Thoughts? Rat? Rabid critter saw red and went at it? Happened in the afternoon.

I was planning on a couple large tomato sammichs from this yesterday.
I'm thinking either a rat, or something rabid (it saw red) got to it first. It was on the vine. No green ones (or anything else) were touched.
Thoughts? Rat? Rabid critter saw red and went at it? Happened in the afternoon.

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I had one that had little nibble marks on it and I know we have a rat...the dog is tracking it as I type. That looks like it went too soft on one side but if it didn’t fall it must have been munched by something.

Also...this is the earliest I’ve ever had ripe beef toms. Also red chillies too.
It wasn't over ripe. I've had the worse tomaters this yr, so I was keeping a very close eye on this Checked it about 11am yesterday, wasn't quite ready (was green friday). So I went for a 300km ride, came home, went to get it (for a post ride sammich) and the rest is history. I can't eat it now. ****.
It wasn't over ripe. I've had the worse tomaters this yr, so I was keeping a very close eye on this Checked it about 11am yesterday, wasn't quite ready (was green friday). So I went for a 300km ride, came home, went to get it (for a post ride sammich) and the rest is history. I can't eat it now. ****.

I cut the rat bitten bit off mine and threw that away and ate the rest lol. I grew the rodent is getting the better of me. Half that tomato looks delicious!
I wish I had asked 17 ish years ago about planting a Shubert Chokecherry tree in my yard.
Of course I liked the purple leaves.
I don't mind all the birds it attracts, but they leave one hell of a mess all over my deck. Especially under the table where there is shade.
And then the chipmunk cleans off the seeds that the birds missed.
Then the rabbit lounges around.

I don't even like animals.
****, I barely like humans.

Also, trimmed off the dead parts of the cedar and added some Miracle Gro Quick Start. If it doesn't come back in two weeks, back to the garden centre she goes.

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Last winter I told my wife I scored some romaine at a penny a head. Then I handed her a pack of seeds. We've been eating them for a few weeks but they're not like the ones the stores carry in that the leaves grow on stalks. They're a touch more bitter but a a penny a head...........

It looks like a decent crop of crab apples on my tree so starting to count jelly jars. One particular pest squirrel seems to like green apples. Hopefully there isn't a bite out of each one.
Last winter I told my wife I scored some romaine at a penny a head. Then I handed her a pack of seeds. We've been eating them for a few weeks but they're not like the ones the stores carry in that the leaves grow on stalks. They're a touch more bitter but a a penny a head...........

It looks like a decent crop of crab apples on my tree so starting to count jelly jars. One particular pest squirrel seems to like green apples. Hopefully there isn't a bite out of each one.
The romaine did that from the get-go?
I had that problem when I cut mine down. iirc MM posted that it had "gone to seed". I never knew the dad just used to tell me that it went "spigatta".
I didn't plant romaine this year but again iirc the solution was to pull leaves off rather than cut the head off.
People with more knowledge than I can help out.
@Mad Mike

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I'm going all @jc100 on this mofo tomato and cutting this spot out and making me a nice fat sangweech!

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Told ya!

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Anybody having a banner 420 season? My girls are 11’, a bit embarrassing as I prefer to keep a low profile — the girls are not discreet this year.
Enjoying the peace and quiet in the garden..lots of chickadees about. They look hungry...I fill up the feeders. 5 minutes of chickadee feeding then 6 grackles show up, **** over everything, fight on the feeders, squawk like idiots, flick the seed everywhere and scare off all the others.


Edit: 8 and rising. Also they arrived out of nowhere. I think I’m being watched.
My pot plant is 8' high. Took the old ones out last year and the roots looked suspiciously like Gandalph's staff. I think I know where they got his staff from now - "Old Tobey, finest leaf in the land..."
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