Anyone interested in doing Jennings GP in Feb???

why would someone pass at 2???? if its the turn i think it is, its the start of the back straight taken at full throttle, wtf?
Not sure what to tell ya, it a very fast back straight ... 2 accidents, same place, 2 weeks apart. Not sure what people are thinking
why would someone pass at 2???? if its the turn i think it is, its the start of the back straight taken at full throttle, wtf?

This is exactly what I was thinking too. Turn 2 at Jennings is a stupid fast corner and passing there is a recipe for disaster.


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Turn 2 is where we saw a major crash while we were there a few years ago.

Guy tries to go on the inside of 2 and take another rider, they end up crashing and his hand went into the rear sprockets of the one bike.
When i went by i thought the one rider was dead .. both airlifted to the trauma centre.
People are just crazy!!! If you can't pass someone on the outside then don't do it. Inevitably, they always think to do it on the inside!!! ... never, ever a good idea. Just heard from the Toronto rider with the broken collar bone. It was a long, tough drive for him, but he made it home safe and sound. Very, very stubborn gentleman ... he wouldn't let me or my husband drive him back.

The other rider ... haven't heard anything about his paralytic condition yet
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Good news, the other rider broke his neck and his femur in 2 places. Surgeons fused him back together. He can move his toes now. Physio is going to be hell and very very long. Hope he has a full recovery
If you can't pass someone on the outside then don't do it.
I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(
People are just crazy!!! If you can't pass someone on the outside then don't do it.

I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(

There's nothing wrong with passing on the inside. As with any pass it's the person doing the passing who has the responsibility to make it a safe pass. Turn 2 at Jennings is an extremely fast corner, its actually more of a kink than a corner, and the speeds bring higher risk than in other corner.

DURING A TRACK day there is absolutely no excuse for even attempting a pass there unless the overtaking rider is 150% sure they an do so safely well before the turn in point. In fact I would go so far as to say that if I were running a TD there I would make Turn 2 a no passing zone.
I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(

People just get scared when your near them.

If everything seems under control, your not riding fast enough
I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(

You don't ride in any groups that allow passing in the corners, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Which just reinforces the thought that some people are passing where they aught not to be.
I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(

You are such a hero.

Arent you running in the AMA now or WSB at least, champ?
On a track day, if you are going to overtake on the inside going into a corner, make sure the timing is such that you will be visible to them (side by side) by the turn-in point and completely ahead of them by corner apex. Then the other rider has room to react and deal with it. Can't do that, don't do the pass. Suddenly appearing beside the other rider just before corner apex is going to be bad news. The other rider doesn't know the overtaking rider is there, and the overtaking rider has no room to get through.

Overtaking on the outside is dangerous unless you can be completely in front of them by the turn-in point. If the other rider decides that they can't make the corner, and your bike overlaps theirs even slightly, you are going to get collected.

The bad thing that happened to me, on the approach to 'Bogie turn 5, involved me coming up behind a slower rider who was about two-thirds of the way to the outside. Going to the inside would have required me going seriously off the proper line. There was plenty of space to the outside, so I committed to that ... then the other rider realized that they were much too far to the inside, and moved left, pinching off my line ... except that I was coming up on them probably 50 km/h faster and already braking hard. I passed them with my tires pretty much on the white line at the left edge of the track and with very little room between. Very close call. YES it is the overtaking rider's to do so safely but it is also the slower rider's responsibility to pick a line and stick to it.

I do very few track days any more.

P.S. it is good to hear that the seriously-hurt rider in the Jennings incident will pull through.
I don't know if my loud exhaust scares people or what the deal is, but every time I try and pass on the outside noobs try and run me onto the grass. After getting black flagged too much for passing on the inside I just don't bother passing in corners anymore :(

What group are you riding in? You can hardly classify most Red group riders as Noobs.....
There's nothing wrong with passing on the inside. As with any pass it's the person doing the passing who has the responsibility to make it a safe pass. Turn 2 at Jennings is an extremely fast corner, its actually more of a kink than a corner, and the speeds bring higher risk than in other corner.

DURING A TRACK day there is absolutely no excuse for even attempting a pass there unless the overtaking rider is 150% sure they an do so safely well before the turn in point. In fact I would go so far as to say that if I were running a TD there I would make Turn 2 a no passing zone.

Absolutely agree with you Caboose56. In fact, we spoke with the Marshals and Manager about that very point. Clearly it's a recurring problem on a track day with 2 accidents, 2 weeks apart. I'm only a novice and I'm doing 170 klm around turn 2. The thought of someone hitting me at that speed is crazy
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