It drives me nuts that the government isn't all over this stuff for just the new housing market. Require every new house built to have 4 panels. Just enough to run the lights and a bit more. The cost is minute. less stain on the grid and a little bit left over for all the new tech coming down the pipe (it seems like my kids tablets are constantly plugged in).
It drives me nuts that the government isn't all over this stuff for just the new housing market. Require every new house built to have 4 panels. Just enough to run the lights and a bit more. The cost is minute. less stain on the grid and a little bit left over for all the new tech coming down the pipe (it seems like my kids tablets are constantly plugged in).
Conflict of interest. The more solar there is, the less OPG is able to sell. They want just enough to greenwash their image but not too much to affect their revenues.
Gravity fed irrigation or boost pump? I normally let the lawn die but kept it alive last year to make it nicer for the kids to play on while I worked. Water here is expensive but buying/running a boost pump to run sprinklers using my "free" water hurts the viability. There is a drywell that doesn't work nearly as well as I would like (under interlock with no exposed cleanout of course) so I could add tanks if I ever get annoyed enough to dig that up.
I need an irrigation pump as I have inground sprinklers. I need about 3000l of water/week -- that costs me $13.50 (or about $220 for the season). Running a 900w sprinkler pump to deliver 3000l/week costs $0.45/week, or about $7.50 for the season.
The 1000l water totes cost $100each (x3). I saved the pumps from my decommissioned hot tub. I'll also use collected water for pool top-ups, so the initial investment is returned in 1 year.
Isn't it cheaper just to wrap your head? That stops the brain scanning and only uses one piece of tinfoil. Also helps to keep the neighbours from bothering you.
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