Anyone here into Vinyl?

Like I said though. The mixes tend to be better. There is no technical reason that vinyl would have higher dynamic range than 16 bit lossless digital let alone 24 bit but a lot of the time IT DOES even on the same recording, for two reasons;

a) There is a limit to how loud the mixes can be on Vinyl. If they made the mixes as loud as on some cds the stylus would jump out of the groove on most turntables. As a result, because of this technical LIMITATION the mixes tend to be less compressed and hence higher dynamic range.
b) A lot of people that buy vinyl are audiophiles and generally people who listen to vinyl will listen to better equipment than digital so the mixes seem to cater more to the audiophile crowd instead of making the mixes so that they sound great on crappy *** blutooth iphone speakers or stock apple earbuds

Here is a perfect example:

Read the second last paragraph. This is not exactly uncommon.
vinyl is the industries attempt at curbing free music. its hilarious, back to the very beginning, buy vinyl, use a turntable enjoy, upload to music sharing sites or other means of free music transfer, not so good. whatever works for the artists and the record labels/companies.

maybe we'll discover the regular phone all over again, instead of texting. what an invention, the telephone, no longer have to write a letter or travel to communicate with someone but we put that aside to write to people again as opposed to speaking to them. genius. whats old is new and whats new is old :D
Like I said though. The mixes tend to be better. There is no technical reason that vinyl would have higher dynamic range than 16 bit lossless digital let alone 24 bit but a lot of the time IT DOES even on the same recording, for two reasons;

a) There is a limit to how loud the mixes can be on Vinyl. If they made the mixes as loud as on some cds the stylus would jump out of the groove on most turntables. As a result, because of this technical LIMITATION the mixes tend to be less compressed and hence higher dynamic range.
b) A lot of people that buy vinyl are audiophiles and generally people who listen to vinyl will listen to better equipment than digital so the mixes seem to cater more to the audiophile crowd instead of making the mixes so that they sound great on crappy *** blutooth iphone speakers or stock apple earbuds

Here is a perfect example:

Read the second last paragraph. This is not exactly uncommon.

I am going from memory but the numbers will be pretty close. The dynamic range capability (loudest undistorted to noise floor) of vinyl is around 60 dB, CD is around 96 dB (but if you exceed the highest digital value really bad distortion happens), cassette tapes around 45 dB and FM radio is pretty close to cassette. For most music they are not into making multiple mixes so they compress and limiter down to the lowest common denominator, which is around 45 dB (or less). Does not matter what platform you are listening to, the mix is the same. Live music will be in the 100 to 120 dB range, so even a CD needs some compression or at least the use of a limiter.

Audiophile recordings or audiophile remasters are different and they usually have more dynamic rage and extra care may be taken to have a different master for different platforms. Normal off the shelf not so much, it is just extra cost to them.

If you are interested in dynamics look into getting a vintage dbx 1bx or 3bx (they no longer make them), it is a dynamic range expander and it basically makes the quiet quieter and the louder louder. Not for everyone but if you like dynamics it is a must. The last version (ds series, for example 1bx-ds) also has a compressor and a separate circuit that attempts to reverse the limiter (you can get back some of the dynamics the limiter took away without much expansion). You will need a tape loop on the pre-amp or at least put it in series with the analogue out of the CD player.
Not into vinyl at all, CD is way better, lol.

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Jealous.....I bet those tube monoblocks sound sweet. I basically have my turntable running through my home theater setup (mid range AVR that's about 3 years old, 5 speakers with tower fronts, and 12 inch sub) and listening in 2.1 so nothing fancy but I have neighter the space nor the money for a separate 2 channel setup.

I'm well aware of the magic of tubes though thanks to playing guitar in the past and being a bit of a tone nazi and nothing ever sounded as good as tubes hence my fascination with tubes.
My parents gave me all their 45's a couple years back after I picked up my turntable (they were moving out West at the time), so "my" collection started out a good size. I have only added a few LP's to it so far. I keep wanting to pick up the City and Colour ones but have yet to place the order.

I just have my 2-channel setup for now, when/if I build my Home Theatre room, I plan on wiring in both.
Jealous.....I bet those tube monoblocks sound sweet. I basically have my turntable running through my home theater setup (mid range AVR that's about 3 years old, 5 speakers with tower fronts, and 12 inch sub) and listening in 2.1 so nothing fancy but I have neighter the space nor the money for a separate 2 channel setup.

I'm well aware of the magic of tubes though thanks to playing guitar in the past and being a bit of a tone nazi and nothing ever sounded as good as tubes hence my fascination with tubes.

For those not aware the turntable is Canadian ( Oracle delphi 5) and the first turntable to integrate a record clamp.

The amps are so old they were built by David Manley before he left the company. 300 tube watts per channel into the electrostats and 400 w/pc into the woofers.

Every piece of equipment is tube except for the brytson electronic crossover for the speaker and the bass amp driving the woofers. The preamp is also all tube including the phono stage ( Hovland).

These are the speakers, Soundlab Dynastats, the first hybrid that martin logan ripped off as well as the curved stator panel design. Logan is one curve while Soundlab is a faceted stator. Tube amps from 250 hz up to past 20Khz...

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vinyl is the industries attempt at curbing free music. its hilarious, back to the very beginning, buy vinyl, use a turntable enjoy, upload to music sharing sites or other means of free music transfer, not so good. whatever works for the artists and the record labels/companies.

maybe we'll discover the regular phone all over again, instead of texting. what an invention, the telephone, no longer have to write a letter or travel to communicate with someone but we put that aside to write to people again as opposed to speaking to them. genius. whats old is new and whats new is old :D

You are completely ignorant of the origins of the vinyl record, invented by Edison over 100 years ago. The modern Lp origin is around 1950 and computers were the size of a room to do simple math. People were sharing music through taping for decades before cd's came out.

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Vinyl has withstood the 8 track, cassette, and CD. I think what is happening now is that new vinyl releases and reissues are really emphasizing the stance that the album is a collectible artifact. I see a lot of releases in collectable boxsets, coloured vinyl, 180gm heavyweight vinyl as well as some records that are just packaged really well with bonus gifts like free Tshirts, stickers etc... They are bringing back that whole experience of buying an album, looking at the liner notes and really just soaking in the album as an experience. This is something that is not really happening with the way people are consuming digital music. As a guy who collected vinyl for a long time, I will tell you that I love it and hate it. Sometimes I hate having to store all the vinyl I have and I want to sell my whole collection just to get rid of it and then the next day I somehow get tempted to buy even more records. Its crazy,
These are the speakers, Soundlab Dynastats, the first hybrid that martin logan ripped off as well as the curved stator panel design. Logan is one curve while Soundlab is a faceted stator. Tube amps from 250 hz up to past 20Khz...

Nice setup but isn't it a bad idea placing electrostats that close to the back wall since they are dipole?
Nice setup but isn't it a bad idea placing electrostats that close to the back wall since they are dipole?

That is a stock picture of the speakers, not of my home. I play mine in the middle of the room!

I am surprised someone here posted this question. CanuckAudioMart is a good place to talk about stuff like this. Or audio karma... or vinylengine forums...
I had a decent turntable about 20 years ago—well after CDs had taken over. I had some audio geek friends.

The experience was different. I'd sit down and actively listen to music. Now, with portable devices and mp3s it is either background music or podcasts.

I've still got the gear, but no place to put it.
I just bought 'The Airborne Toxic Event's' new album. It came with vinyl. So I bought a turntable.... Filling up my collection so far with Beatles, Dylan and Springsteen.

Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people
I am waiting for the cassette tape to make a come back
You can actually order cassettes from certain web sites. Cassette tapes have a noise floor equivalent to about a 6 bit digital recording so basically the sound quality is crap. lol

My buddy drove a 15 year old civic until recently that still had a tape deck. I wanted to buy him a few casettes for his birthday as a joke but he's since sold the car and replaced it with something newer. :p
So douchey ...what's next plaid shirts, ironic t shirts, sleeve tattoos, sailor jerry,beards, old timey hair dos and BBQ joints? Oh waiitttttttt....all this is is a rehash of crap from the past people think is or was cool.
Up next? Raising chickens in your urban backyard and artisanal pickles.
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