Anyone here a cyclist?

A while back I saw a video circulating on FB about a guy that built a spin bike based generator for 3rd world countries to use to charge a battery.

A small solar panel that can charge a battery all day is a much more realistic and economical idea.
Isn't there a whole episode of black mirror based on something similar?
Here is my ditch pig. Dirty girl didn’t take a decent pic due to the sun light directly at me.


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I used to have a Specialized Transition that was the exact same colour scheme too.

My buddy and I were standing in the shop we raced for. One of the XC guys was standing in front of the mirror holding a pair of gloves up against his jersey.
Him: Do these match?
My buddy: Yup. They're perfect
Me: They're really close. From 5 feet you can't tell.

His jersey was blue. The gloves were green. He's colour blind. Ask the DHers a stupid question and you're gonna get punked.
My buddy and I were standing in the shop we raced for. One of the XC guys was standing in front of the mirror holding a pair of gloves up against his jersey.
Him: Do these match?
My buddy: Yup. They're perfect
Me: They're really close. From 5 feet you can't tell.

His jersey was blue. The gloves were green. He's colour blind. Ask the DHers a stupid question and you're gonna get punked.
Why would you post about yourself doing something like that?!?
You don't play jokes on your friends? Must be pretty boring.
Exactly. Whenever I've crashed dirt biking, my very best friends are always too busy laughing to ever help.
I tell my best friend what a dick he is at least once a week.

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Exactly. Whenever I've crashed dirt biking, my very best friends are always too busy laughing to ever help.
I tell my best friend what a dick he is at least once a week.

Exactly. I was on my way to meet the boys at the shop to go out one evening. Car caught fire on the way. Called and said I'd be late. Finally got there and they had run to the store, picked up a bag of marshmallows, taped a spoke to it, and put it on the workbench for me. Laughed, called them all ********, and we went for beers. People are to effin' sensitive these days.
You don't play jokes on your friends? Must be pretty boring.
Friends is one thing, customers in a store that's sponsoring me, is another.

Especially, when they have a disability.
Friends is one thing, customers in a store that's sponsoring me, is another.

Brush up on your comprehension. one of the XC guys = one of the guys, not a customer.

Especially, when they have a disability.

Colour blind is a disability? Can you get a handicapped parking placard for your car for it? Don't tell me, let me guess. You ask friends how they gender identify before you make any wisecracks at them so you don't offend them.
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Brush up on your comprehension. one of the XC guys = one of the guys, not a customer.

Colour blind is a disability? Can you get a handicapped parking placard for your car for it? Don't tell me, let me guess. You ask friends how they gender identify before you make any wisecracks at them so you don't offend them.
I'd like to know as well... asking for a ...hmm... friend that is a strong protan.
Brush up on your comprehension. one of the XC guys = one of the guys, not a customer.

Colour blind is a disability? Can you get a handicapped parking placard for your car for it? Don't tell me, let me guess. You ask friends how they gender identify before you make any wisecracks at them so you don't offend them.
If it's bad enough, you're exempt, from driving.

Last time I checked a dictionary XC meant stock exchange, so I assumed that you'd made a boo boo.
If I've ever seen someone holding up something and matching the colour in a store, they were either planning on buying it, or stealing it.
I don't know your friend, so I don't want to go around making unfounded accusations.

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

p.s. No, I didn't worry about offending you, did I?
If it's bad enough, you're exempt, from driving.

Last time I checked a dictionary XC meant stock exchange, so I assumed that you'd made a boo boo.
If I've ever seen someone holding up something and matching the colour in a store, they were either planning on buying it, or stealing it.
I don't know your friend, so I don't want to go around making unfounded accusations.

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

p.s. No, I didn't worry about offending you, did I?

Yeah it depends on the type of color blindness you have and to what degree it affects you. Something i found great about certain provinces is how they had shapes associated with the lights as well. If i remember well, green circle, diamond yellow and square red. While I can clearly see the difference bettwen green, yellow and red traffic lights, shapes are easier for my brain. I've discovered that playing puyo puyo against wifey, that certain "skins" had a yellow and green that were 'too close' for me, so i could absolutely not differentiate them easily. As soon as we used a skin that had different shapes, it was a walk in the park.

And yeah in cycling, XC is for cross country and CX for cyclocross
Last time I checked a dictionary XC meant stock exchange, so I assumed that you'd made a boo boo.

Why are you adding your 2¢ on a cycling thread if you don't understand the basic acronyms XC, DH, DS, 4X, TT, CX, etc.? Even someone on a moto forum would glean XC from KTM's EnduroX-Country lineup........or a skier would know XC is cross country and DH is downhill..
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What do you guys think about a tcx slr 2 as a daily commuter? It would mostly be used as a road bike, with curb jumping, grass, gravel and trails thrown in occasionally. Would it be much slower than a tcr advanced, if it was on the same tires?
What do you guys think about a tcx slr 2 as a daily commuter? It would mostly be used as a road bike, with curb jumping, grass, gravel and trails thrown in occasionally. Would it be much slower than a tcr advanced, if it was on the same tires?
For most people, as long as both bikes fit you properly, I doubt you would see a noticeable difference in commuting times. FWIW, I bought a tarmac instead of a roubaix and 90%of the time think I made the wrong choice. Yes it may be a bit faster but damned is it bumpy and aggressive.
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