Anyone here a cyclist?

How reasonable is it to do a ride down to Niagara Falls for someone that’s been out of riding a while?

Have a simple road bike with skinny 700c tires and also a mountain bike. Which would be the better option? Both are due for new tires this week so can make the mountain bike a bit more road worthy in terms of tires.

Dundas and Mavis to Niagara. Have always wanted to do it. Always found a reason not to.
My recommendation is to ride Niagara Falls to Mississauga.....
  • You ride down the escarpment not up at the very end, less of a factor if you are going NOTL, the GO train goes to NF....
  • If you need to be rescued you have GO train options if you make it to Burlington or past. If someone has to come get you because you bonked they do not have to go as far (you are riding towards rescue...).
  • Road bike all the way as the MTB will just require more energy. Make sure you have tools and spare tube etc. If your tire are hard to get on and off consider a beadjack instead of just tire levers.
  • Get some log rides in first to determine if you are up to it and to get your backside up to it.
This was a goal for this season but I have not been on the bike enough due to renos.
You just need to fuel properly for long distance cycling. Camelbak is a must for a ride that long. Some people like using a caffeinated drink mix but it just makes me jittery. Regular Gatorade for this guy, then I consume a gel and/or a Clif bar every 45 mins.

You can also bring a water bottle of course but replenishing electrolytes is critical. Do not drink only water.

And pro tip for your bum: Desitin diaper rash cream. 👌
You just need to fuel properly for long distance cycling. Camelbak is a must for a ride that long. Some people like using a caffeinated drink mix but it just makes me jittery. Regular Gatorade for this guy, then I consume a gel and/or a Clif bar every 45 mins.

Pro tip for your bum: Desitin diaper rash cream. 👌
Good point. Do you have good bike shorts MP? Long ride with normal shorts without an ass hardened by lots of saddle time will make for an unhappy day.
I have Castelli bibs and Garneau shorts. Also have padded underwear for short rides when I don't want to rock the full spandex look - I just wear regular shorts over them.

Full spandex is a must for long distances. Screw the haters. Reducing air resistance is key.
I swear by Ihle's paste, it did wonders for the twins, and it goes on thicker than drywall compound.

Full spandex doesn't do squat in a fall. Make sure you at least have gloves and a helmet.
Road bike. Get 700-25mm. 28mm if they will fit. Something like Conti Gatorskins with a puncture resistant casing.
28mm Gatorskins are awesome. I had them on a 29er for years as a downtown fun bike. Now I have them on an old road bike for my wife. They're a bit heavy and only wire bead available for 28mm but I've never had one fail and on my wheels they come on and off easily.
Yeah b1tches
View attachment 50696

Cabot Head Road was unbelievably gorgeous this AM. Highlight of the trip.

Too lazy to reupload all the pics, y'all are allowed to creep my FB:
I briefly considered pushing my luck to 200kms, but it was hot and my legs were gone after having to cover 45kms of gravel w/ worn out 23mm tires. Turns out I was moments away from a loud bang! Rear tire carcass was about to give. Excited to try the new-ish Conti GP5000s, fastest slicks on the market.
Did you install the GP5000s? They are blissful to ride but a PITA to install. The answer for their installation is:

A pinarello dogma magnesium popped up on my FB. I'm drooling.

Did you install the GP5000s? They are blissful to ride but a PITA to install. The answer for their installation is:

A pinarello dogma magnesium popped up on my FB. I'm drooling.

Yes, my GP5000s are very hard to install (tried them on some different rims), koolstop beadjack to the rescue.....
Pinarello never did it for me. The style looks like it's trying too hard.

The reverse curved stays/forks make me throw up in my mouth a little. Lines for line's sake. I get the idea behind it, but you can tune straight stays/forks with weave direction and lay-up. No need to make your frame look like overcooked pasta.
Did you install the GP5000s? They are blissful to ride but a PITA to install. The answer for their installation is:

A pinarello dogma magnesium popped up on my FB. I'm drooling.

Still waiting on the new rubber. I have metal levers if need be.
Agreed. I like the understated Cannons better. A local here has a murdered-out SuperSix EVO, it's noice.

Meh. Cookie cutter. For the price of a SuperSix I'd be on the phone to Bob Parlee.
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28mm Gatorskins are awesome. I had them on a 29er for years as a downtown fun bike. Now I have them on an old road bike for my wife. They're a bit heavy and only wire bead available for 28mm but I've never had one fail and on my wheels they come on and off easily.
If you like the gators check out their grand prix 4-season all the puncture protection with less rolling resistance awesome training tire IMHO.
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