Nope. Just me, alone, up on the escarpment. usually wearing a beat up old bike/moto shirt with the sleeves cut off (and PI shorts - because performance). I enjoy pissing the "cyclists" off. They aren't allowed to wave/acknowledge me because I'm (perceived) below them. I flip them the bird. Fun all around.
If it's nuclear hot I will ride North Shore along to the lake. I don't use the bike lane. Tubs are expensive, and a PITA to fix.
Pro tip: Road racers are a-holes. All of them. That's coming from an ex road racer.
You should a lot like a semi-serious bicyclist friend of mine. He has this T-Shirt and wears it everytime he rides. It seems to irk the "super serious pro racer" crowd even more than his "mere peasant" bicycle he rides. ?