Anyone here a cyclist?

OK asking for a little help or advice on identifying / selling a bike. Friends dad is selling the house asked me to help sell some stuff online.
A Miele bike other than is looks like the the Turista GT18 but is only a 12 speed I can't tell what model year. IshIt does have a number on the frame. Also what do I need to measure to determin height. Hanging from the ceiling for 25-30 years and purchased used in Point Claire QC. Also and old CCM Elan but easy to find info and not much value. Thanks in advance



Entry level, 1985ish, looks to be 58cm, (size is measured center of crank spindle to centerline of top tube at the set tube lug), Mid level straight gauge Ishwata (Japanese) tubing. Definitely not built by Jim. Would have been built by Toyo in Japan. $300ish. Might pull 4 with the condition to the right person, but that's a stretch.
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For comparison, this is a full on Miele race bike, Columbus SL tubing, Campy Record group. Frame would have been hand built by Jim himself in his shop in Mississauga.


And it looks like Tim set the angle of the seat ;)
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@GVH try hitting up the guy that was all over the news a few years ago for wheeling around Toronto. Cam from My Little Bike Shop.
He likes old bikes and will buy if it's something in decent/ resellable condition.

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Rear plastic light cover on that foldable Oslo bike I have has cracked. Any suggestions on repair? Will probably just superglue it as I don't think that I'll be able to find a replacement, and the only value in the bike is sentimental.

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Thanks guys. I was looking all over the web but not much specific info gust lots of talk. Kijiji was not helpfull prices all over the place. One guy asking for old road and race bikes.
So I had a 2018 tcx slr2 for a while and I ended up selling it, primarily due to its lack of pannier mount points. I wasn't too stoked on it anyways. It was lots of fun jumping it though.

For some reason commuter that I have been riding for over five years has been giving me terrible back pain or and knee pain. Dunno why it's doing it now, but I tried a bunch of adjustments and I am in agony. I do want to find a new bike, and then maybe go to a ship for posture analysis.

So I need a frame that can fit 32 tires, sturdy pannier mounts, ability to deal with the ****** TO roads, reasonably priced because it will be tied outside during the day.

Right now I am looking at a few mid 2000s steel Kona Jake the snake. Any other suggestions?

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So I had a 2018 tcx slr2 for a while and I ended up selling it, primarily due to its lack of pannier mount points. I wasn't too stoked on it anyways. It was lots of fun jumping it though.

For some reason commuter that I have been riding for over five years has been giving me terrible back pain or and knee pain. Dunno why it's doing it now, but I tried a bunch of adjustments and I am in agony. I do want to find a new bike, and then maybe go to a ship for posture analysis.

So I need a frame that can fit 32 tires, sturdy pannier mounts, ability to deal with the ****** TO roads, reasonably priced because it will be tied outside during the day.

Right now I am looking at a few mid 2000s steel Kona Jake the snake. Any other suggestions?

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29er with 700x32 tires makes a fun city bike. Depending on traffic volume though, you may not want the wider bars. With many rim/tire combinations you can change a flat without tire irons which is a nice touch. They are stronger than typical road/cross bikes so they hold up to the constant pounding of the crap roads/curb jumping.
@daught After my commuter bike got stolen i simply went for a cheap steel single speed bike. I barely have any elevation on my commute so i can use it to my heart's content without issue. It's also a lot more upright than say...the tcx you mentioned.
A lot of it might have to do with the geometry of the bike. On my roadie, the stance is pretty aggressive an i'll get some mild discomfort about 20 minutes into the ride, then once i'm fully warmed up, it goes away (usually by 30 minutes).

But on my commuter SS, it's almost impossible to hurt as i'm a lot more upright.
Gotta make sure you're at the right height too to avoid knee pain.
Cam is great to deal with. His dog Stu doesn’t like me though. I smell of German Shepherd
Starting following him on Instagram after the incident. Highly entertaining and seems like dgaf what people think and just lives his life.

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Actually I found the tcx too upright, but it was comfy. I think I am pretty good at setting my bikes. I know what I have to do to make it better but every bearing on it is shot. It's just time to move on. I definately need gears when my saddles are loaded with tools. I do 30-40k everyday. 29er just won't be as fast.

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Starting following him on Instagram after the incident. Highly entertaining and seems like dgaf what people think and just lives his life.

Cam is one of “those people”. Pretty care free guy. Not 100% sure, but l think he took the lump sum from a Cash For Life ticket when he was a courier back in the 90s. I know one of the guys l raced DH against in the 90s had a courier buddy that won. It’s just a hunch, but he’s Definitely not the person that you would guess drives an AMG Benz.
I bought a bike off Cam, nice guy but definitely "different" lol
Actually I found the tcx too upright, but it was comfy. I think I am pretty good at setting my bikes. I know what I have to do to make it better but every bearing on it is shot. It's just time to move on. I definately need gears when my saddles are loaded with tools. I do 30-40k everyday. 29er just won't be as fast.

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Sorry misread tcx for tcr
I need to replace my commuter tires. They are mostly on pavement but they do a some unmaintained forest trails. In the winter they are icy, dark and sketchy. Fortunately I have exceptionally good downhill skills so I survive even on slicks.

Right now I am running vittoria cross xn pro. I like them a lot, they are damp, roll fast and do reasonably well of forest trails. If I could I would get them again but they are discontinued.

Last winter I was running Schwalbe CX Pro. Amazing on trails, and they last a very long time. They don't roll that fast. I'm not interested to go back to them.

There's lots of options out there, but I want a tire that's around 32 wide.

- Continental 4 season. They seem to be great all around, roll fast, last a long time. They are slicks in the middle so they might not work on the trails with snow on.

- Panaracel gravel king. Supposedly fast but they wear out quickly.

- Panaracel gravel king SK. Should be good on the trails but is it too much of a compromise on the road?

Any other suggestions?

BTW I got the jake the snake and it surpassed my all expectations. Comfortable, smooth and fast. It blows the TCX away. I was so impressed I bought a kona process right after :)
Put new wheels on with a really loud hub. Grabs people's attention. Made me think "loud hubs save lives".

I ended up with the panaracers gravel king SK. Very supple, but I got 2 flats in a month. I went tubeless so hopefully that avoids flats. I have the 32, wish I would have gotten the 35s.

I also got the Conti 4s and I did not like it. Seemed too stiff out of the box. I did not bother installing it, but I'm sure they would have been more puncture resistant.
Theres a Tomasso in there thats pretty swish, and a nice looking Olmo frame set. Some collector/fixer/flipper can make some great cash at the current bids.

I was at the Toronto biuke show and bought a full carbon Bianchi with introductory Campy stuff and really nice Mavic wheel sets ( its previously loved, in the swap meet) for $300. Some stockbroker was cleaning the garage.
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