Got an unused, but working battery just sitting there? Instead of putting it on a tender all year, let me use it!
Is this for riding or just for letting people turn the bike on to check stuff? I think you might as well buy a cheap battery for $40 and put it in the bike, no buyer wants the hassle of having to buy a battery first and then put it in before they leave with the bike. Just slap $40 onto the price tag. A bike with no battery is going to set off alarms in people's heads..."is there something wrong with the electricals? what happened to the old battery? is he trying to hide something?" etc.
A sincere thanks, guys! I forgot to say that you'll have your battery back in October when I sell the bike.
I just checked and the one I have is a ytx9-bs. I still gotta look into whether or not I can use any of those ones, but I did the measurement conversions and the only one I can rule out is Al3rts. I know absolutely nothing about batteries so I'll brb lol
Yessir. Well, Philippines + hopefully a couple of other countries before eventually landing in Australia. Let me know! I'm in Scarborough, so I'm not far at all.Going to Australia in October? I have a spare one on the tender, but not sure the condition of it. I'll check it tonight. All I'll do is check the voltage as it comes off the charger, then 1 hr later and I'll post up here. FYI I'm in Markham.
If it works, any interest in getting Zoodles' battery for me?
Yessir. Well, Philippines + hopefully a couple of other countries before eventually landing in Australia. Let me know! I'm in Scarborough, so I'm not far at all.
And if you're serious, yeah, I'll grab Zoodles' battery. It's the least I could do - your buddy helped me get a more realistic grasp on things.
&3sgte, I love this place. So many great, genuine people and I still have yet to meet so many of them in person.