Anyone ever corrected mileage that was declared wrong at time of ownership transfer? |

Anyone ever corrected mileage that was declared wrong at time of ownership transfer?


Well-known member
I feel like the answer is going to be it's not possible, and I would understand that completely because it seems pretty sketchy to allow it with the whole reality of rollbacks and dash swaps etc and would be ripe for abuse.

But I was a moron and bought a bike with a dead battery (digital dash...), the owner was a stand up guy and said they parked it around 25,000km and that was good enough for me (sat for 2+ years before sale). Did the ownership transfer on the way home, declared mileage as such and once I finally got a battery a couple weeks later, they had misremembered over a couple years and it's actually only about 17,000km.

Not the end of the world problem but I am likely to not actually get it close to 25k while I own it, and thinking it might be an issue for the next person when they declare the mileage properly that it's less than before... I know if that were me it would sketch me out thinking it was something nefarious. I'd like to be able to correct this issue if possible....
Well, not you have a reason to ride it more to catch up to the 25K.

Just as you thought your selling was a stand up guy and you believed him, if you stay true to yourself when selling it, the next buyer will trust you just as much.

I wouldn't sweat it at this point. Probably more hassle to get it correct it than its worth. We are only talking about 8K, even less once you start riding the bike.

To answer your question. I do not know if there is a process in place to correct this.
Well, not you have a reason to ride it more to catch up to the 25K.

Just as you thought your selling was a stand up guy and you believed him, if you stay true to yourself when selling it, the next buyer will trust you just as much.

I wouldn't sweat it at this point. Probably more hassle to get it correct it than its worth. We are only talking about 8K, even less once you start riding the bike.

To answer your question. I do not know if there is a process in place to correct this.

No doubt 8,000 is not much normally, that would be about one season for my street bike. Unfortunately it’s a track bike (but with a clean title that could easily be put back on the road) so I don’t expect to do much more than a few hundred km over multiple outings. Only do maybe two a year.

You’re right though, I will probably just have to explain to someone when I do sell it why it shows higher in the database than it actually is.

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