Enjoying my new toy.

44 mm face, GPS and cellular $60. Still a big learning curve.
Got the fall alert set up useful both at home and riding.
Gotta love rich folks selling their cast off tech for cheap.
I did have a fall and got myself a nasty burn the day after getting out of hospital. The docs put it down to the operation and it would have been useful as I was out cold and would have called partner.
As it was I woke up and called her. Did not think it very serious but I am reminded everytime I go shirtless.
From the stories above the detection of high heart rates and tachicardia are informative.
But I'm wondering if anyone is wearing tech for a crash?
For health reasons.?

44 mm face, GPS and cellular $60. Still a big learning curve.

Got the fall alert set up useful both at home and riding.
Gotta love rich folks selling their cast off tech for cheap.
some cool storiesThe Apple Watch's fall detection feature is designed to alert users if it detects a hard fall. When the watch senses a fall, it will "tap" the wearer on the wrist with a vibrating buzz, sound an alarm, and show an alert on the screen asking if the user is okay. The user can then choose to connect to emergency services or dismiss the alert by pressing the "digital crown" button on the side of the watch. If the watch senses the person is not moving, it will begin a 60-second countdown to call emergency services and provide the user's location using its GPS system.
I'm certainly a candidate for the fall detection at home due to my age and I'm hoping it's also useful for a crash detection when outside or on the motorcycle.
I did have a fall and got myself a nasty burn the day after getting out of hospital. The docs put it down to the operation and it would have been useful as I was out cold and would have called partner.
As it was I woke up and called her. Did not think it very serious but I am reminded everytime I go shirtless.
From the stories above the detection of high heart rates and tachicardia are informative.
But I'm wondering if anyone is wearing tech for a crash?
For health reasons.?
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