Anyone drive Elantra MD? 2011-2016

I guess it may have been burning it, I don't check often enough to know. I also find it weird that there was no low oil light, the temp gauge stayed normal, and everything everything seemed fine until it's last 5-10 minutes. If it were burning oil it's weird that they didn't notice that before. Usually when I take it for a change they tell me everything about it. What fluids they topped up, any alignment issues, how much brake pads have worn, etc. The last oil change I remember they took it out for a drive as well. They are usually really informative. This time, not so much.

It made my day about 100x better when they said everything would be covered! Now I just have to tolerate this dam Kia rental for a few more weeks!
I change my oil myself on my elantra. For the first 1000km I check the oil religiously. I have never had an oil burn issue. Even at a 10k the oil is at the exact same level
I had brand new Chevy go through a liter every 1000 km's. It was assumed that a cylinder wasn't properly honed.

Sounds like my 2001 Jetta 2.0. By the time it was due for an oil change it had all new oil in it, in theory. Used a lot of gas if you drove as fast as I do, too. Oil consumption was a known problem with that engine, though.
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