anybody ever recieve a big payout after being hit?


Well-known member
the amount of money we pay for insurance, should reflect the way these companies are quick to pay. But have heard some horror stories.
what im really questioning is if you recieving major injury, hospital time, amputation, etc or even death
does the spouse or you receive the million dollar coverage or some sort of payout and what is the determining factors for amount of cash to be paid

heard if you have extended health coverage from work or sick days, insurance will only start to cover only after you have run out of these.
You heard correctly on the sick time and extended benefits.
Exhaust that first and THEN your auto insurance will pick up the rest/deductible.

I don't know about major injuries but for minor injuries, there's a $30 000 deductible if you sue the other party.
This means that the first $30K or less that you may be awarded would go to your insurance company.
Then there's your legal expenses. I'm not sure if the deductible applies in a settlement but it probably does.

Don't expect any big winfalls from an accident. This isn't the United States.
Death benefits, funeral benefits are paid out very quickly.

Serious injuries usually take a long time to determine the extent of recovery and future care costs etc....If you get a "quick" settlement on a serious injury then you had a brutal lawyer and probably didn't get all you were entitled to.
i know of one case where it took 6 years to settle. insurance less than 1000/yr, case settles for 7 figures, on top of 6 years of costs. the ins, co has to recoup the difference somehow.

also, loss (physical or use of) of a limb doesn't necessarily qualify the injured as "catastrophic"

you do not automatically recieve the "1mil coverage".

payouts are determined by the severity of an injury, future care, loss of earning capacity, emotional anguish, loss income, and more. all of these are capped as well.

in ontario, when you hear of a big (multimillion) payout, the victim most likely has little life to enjoy.
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As mentioned this isn't the sue happy states and we don't have enough celebrities to try the video below to get a big payout.

also, loss (physical or use of) of a limb doesn't necessarily qualify the injured as "catastrophic"


in ontario, when you hear of a big (multimillion) payout, the victim most likely has little life to enjoy.

Lmao. I was talking to a insurance adjuster and a freelance insurance investigator the other day contracted from Royal Sun and Alliance Insurance; they where telling me how the company was trying to place a guy who lost his leg in the minor injury category, because he only lost one leg.
Lmao. I was talking to a insurance adjuster and a freelance insurance investigator the other day contracted from Royal Sun and Alliance Insurance; they where telling me how the company was trying to place a guy who lost his leg in the minor injury category, because he only lost one leg.

Whoever pulled that stunt should be fired.

Death and funeral benefits are paid quickly,

Serious injuries can take years, and years to settle or sometimes the files don't settle. They remain open for upwards of 10 years.
why? the rules we agree to state that a single limb loss, wihtout other injuries, is a "non-catastrophic" injury

Lmao. I was talking to a insurance adjuster and a freelance insurance investigator the other day contracted from Royal Sun and Alliance Insurance; they where telling me how the company was trying to place a guy who lost his leg in the minor injury category, because he only lost one leg.

^ I was talking about that...

I don't want to be a complete arse, but you are not correct in your statement. Under the new regulations effective Sept 1 2010 an amputation of a single limb does qualify as a CAT injury: (It's listed under Ont Reg 34/10 under definations)

(2) For the purposes of this Regulation, a catastrophic impairment caused by an accident is,
(a) paraplegia or quadriplegia;
(b) the amputation of an arm or leg or another impairment causing the total and permanent loss of use of an arm or a leg;
(c) the total loss of vision in both eyes;
(d) subject to subsection (4), brain impairment that results in,
I'm in the process of going through all this and this is what i've found out already, son was riding his bike, parked car pulls out in front of him in an attempt to do a u-turn, hits him, bikes written off, and he has several cracked ribs, sprined wrist and hand, strained muscles in his upper back and kneck, and an impact injury to his leg, other person was charged. Bike payout came within 3 weeks, for 70% of value of the bike, only had the bike for 5 weeks, found out about the $30,000 injury deductable for serious injuries only, so no compensation for his injuries, off work for 4.5 weeks, 1 week deductable on this so can only recoup 3.5 weeks of wages and only 70% of his wages, and we have no recourse against the driver, so due to this idiot, son is out of pocket for almost 2g's with no recourse, and who knows when he will get his cheque for is loss of wages, they basically have their own schedule and there is nothing you can do about it
I'm in the process of going through all this and this is what i've found out already, son was riding his bike, parked car pulls out in front of him in an attempt to do a u-turn, hits him, bikes written off, and he has several cracked ribs, sprined wrist and hand, strained muscles in his upper back and kneck, and an impact injury to his leg, other person was charged. Bike payout came within 3 weeks, for 70% of value of the bike, only had the bike for 5 weeks, found out about the $30,000 injury deductable for serious injuries only, so no compensation for his injuries, off work for 4.5 weeks, 1 week deductable on this so can only recoup 3.5 weeks of wages and only 70% of his wages, and we have no recourse against the driver, so due to this idiot, son is out of pocket for almost 2g's with no recourse, and who knows when he will get his cheque for is loss of wages, they basically have their own schedule and there is nothing you can do about it

Yeah you do have a lawyer
Friend years ago, was hit, late 80's early 90's. He probably should have died, but survived due to a few instincts he had. He destroyed both knees, and had sinificant nerve damage in his arms back, etc.

The lawyers starved him for years on payouts until he got a fraction of what he should have had. He did end up with several $100K in awards, but if you ask him he would prefer to have his knees back and have been able to function like a normal person. The loss in quality of life just isn't worth any $

He had his accident at 16 or 17
Friend years ago, was hit, late 80's early 90's. He probably should have died, but survived due to a few instincts he had. He destroyed both knees, and had sinificant nerve damage in his arms back, etc.

The lawyers starved him for years on payouts until he got a fraction of what he should have had. He did end up with several $100K in awards, but if you ask him he would prefer to have his knees back and have been able to function like a normal person. The loss in quality of life just isn't worth any $

He had his accident at 16 or 17

The lawyer did not take his knees.....He would have ended up with far less if he left it up to the insurance company. Trust the adjuster who works for the insurance company. No thanks. There may be some honest adjusters out there but they are few and far between and probably unemployed.
The lawyer did not take his knees.....He would have ended up with far less if he left it up to the insurance company. Trust the adjuster who works for the insurance company. No thanks. There may be some honest adjusters out there but they are few and far between and probably unemployed.

Or soon to be unemployed :rolleyes:. Adjusters have a duty to inform all claimants of their access to benefits under the Statutory accident benefits. No if's and's or but's. FSCO frowns upon insurance companies who don't do this. You can spanked for something called "bad faith". And by spanked i mean huge payouts to the claimants. FSCO is pro claimant, as is most of the arbitraitors who get involved in the litagation of claims. Arb's are people who hand down decisions much like judges in case law. This affects all future claims with similar circumstances. Again, much like case law.

Adjusters who willfully withhold benefits on serious cases without a valid reason, and I mean a really good one. They can open themselves up to a statement of claim with their name on it, along with the insurance company.

Adjusters who handle accident benefit claims (AB claims) often become jaded or burned out from the sheer amount of BS they put up with. Not only from scum sucking paralegals, but from money hungry claimants (not those seeking fair re-imbursement) and micro-managing managers.

I'm not trying to justify anyone's actions or make excuses, but you guys have seen the articles I've poste from the Toronto Star and Toronto Sun. They deal with that crap day in and day out. Scamming clinics, scamming lawyers, doctors, towing companies, body shops, claimants and police officers writing fake auto collision reports. It can affect anyone's judgement after awhile.
I certainly agree with your post. The problem is the system has very little trust and fairness left in it. The little guy that just wants to be fairly compensated for his injuries and loss is treated like a criminal. To much bad faith built into the system all around. The whole system needs to be revamped with serious penalties and jail time to all those involved that engage in less than proper practices. The system is to complicated for the ordinary person to navigate. Maybe a package should be sent out to accident victims explaining their benefits in plain English. What an adjuster tells you over the phone or does not tell you can vary quite a bit, how does one prove that you were, or were not instructed properly. Don't like the rates I pay, insurance companies say there not making money, accident victims are waiting far to long for proper care. They need to go back to the drawing board to start again. Quite tinkering start over.
Don't expect any big winfalls from an accident. This isn't the United States.

We all hear about the big USA lawsuits being launched but in reality the final settlements aren't always all that great. A friend got hit pretty bad and was sueing for I think $5M. After a few years of lawyerese he ended up settling for a dime on the dollar if I read him right. The lawyer took a big bite of that.

Unless you're into fraud having a crash doesn't pay.
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