Any Young Riders Or Groups??

Scarborough Boston Pizza All You Can Eat, 15$,
Town Centre,

Come on out!
Time to revive this thread. Its summer, so we should be out riding.

Not sure yet where, but lets do it.
Time 9:00am Sunday July 10
Where: 403 and Dundas

Can be made M1 friendly if need be.
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That seems kinda drastic, like 9am on a sunday morning.... i thought this was a Young guns group, young people have problems waking up that early, especially on a weekend ...
If you could bump it up to 11, i say a better there should be a better turn out
hey guys im 20 down to ride when im available which is more often the not . . . pm me with rides and ill check the thread often. i can ride tomorrow if i can be back in durham by 2. . . let me know.
6R_SANI - Will consider a later meeting time for the next ride, but ill just use the one i already set for this one.

Danf - You can always break of from the ride when you need to get back home, so ur welcome to come. Im not planning a whole day, just a few hours or so.

gino - We'll probably head East or North depending on what ppl want to do.
Time to revive this thread. Its summer, so we should be out riding.

Not sure yet where, but lets do it.
Time 9:00am Sunday July 10
Where: 403 and Dundas

Can be made M1 friendly if need be.

i'm in, guessing the meeting place is timmies
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