any way to unlock iphone4 password?

no thanks. i have a clear conscience and would like to keep it that way.

Give it to me, I will unlock it and ensure it gets to a rightful owner.
On a side note the last time I was in the Apple store, some guy that worked for Fido came in and said a customer forgot his iPhone 4s in the Fido store. He claimed he tried to contact the customer, and contact the customers contact list. No one claimed the phone for a week, so he got a new sim card and claimed the phone as his own. The Apple employees didn't seem to care to track down the owner.
If the owner registered the phone with Apple then they would have a serial number on file with the owners info. Call Apple and explain, they may be able to contact the owner. Friend of mine found an ipod touch, he called apple, apple tried to get in touch with the owner. Owner never showed, month later he kept the ipod.
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I worked for Rogers.
Note: If you want to do the right thing, do not give it to any of the employees or even managers. They will simply keep it (If you go to the Apple store, they would probably do the same).
The person probably called the phone in an attempt to find it before you found it and of course, if that fails, the owner would probably report the phone as lost thus deactivating the SIM.
TBH, although you want to "Keep a clear conscience", there isn't really much you can do other than keep the phone. If you really really want to give the phone back, you could do a hard reset on the phone, get the IMEI of the phone in the phone info, call Apple to see if the person registered their apple product (like JZ67 said) and see if they find a match. If not, they will probably tell you to keep it.
Since they have a password on it, even if they do call you won't be able to answer it without the password.
The number calling will show up, but if it's a number that they have named in the phone book (Ie: "Home") then that won't give you the number either.
Keeping won't do you any good, if it's reported lost to the carrier they will blacklist the imei number making the phone useless. Do a hard reset that should get you in the phone, then you can get the carrier name and imei number, call them give them the number and they'll get in touch with the owner.

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Found an iphone4. dont know who it belongs to. i wanted to get into the phonebook and get this person's home number so i can call and inform them to take the phone. but the phone has a password on it. anyone know if theres a way to get to the phonebook somehow?

The same thing happen to me I found an Iphone when leaving the pub. Waited for someone to call and the next week went back to pub to ask if anyone lost an Iphone turns out the pizza parlour employee lost his iphone. I gave him back his phone which he was shocked at first. For him it represent a signifcant portion of his monthly salary to replace the phone. Most of my friends told me to keep it but I believe that is wrong. Jut my thoughts.
if some one calls the phone it can be answered with out unlocking it...

the owner may be able to send a message to the phone as well

as for connecting it to a computer to get the contact info you won't be able to get any info with out unlocking it but it can charge no problem, it may tell you the name of the person which may help you track them down.
if some one calls the phone it can be answered with out unlocking it...

the owner may be able to send a message to the phone as well

as for connecting it to a computer to get the contact info you won't be able to get any info with out unlocking it but it can charge no problem, it may tell you the name of the person which may help you track them down.

I dunno, I had this crazy gf that would grab my phone as soon as I got a text or a call, so I always locked it when she was around. ****** her off 'cause she couldn't get in even if it was ringing.
the phone says sim locked now. does that mean the person disabled their sim card and it will not be able to recieve any calls? it was still on all day yesterday. not one call or message... dunno why ppl wont let me help them.

tried connecting it. cant get anything off it. called apple from the serial number though. told them to call/email the person who this belongs to and i would give them my contact info so they can come collect the phone. but they said thats against their policy. screwed up policy imo.

my one last option im thinking now, i have to find someone who has a micro sim card. insert the card in this phone and hope that the address book is saved on the phone? dunno if its guna work. but ill give it a shot.. even if i have to go to a cell phone store to do this. hopefully they know how to get this imei number and could get in touch with the owner..

search continues...
Where do you live? I have an iPhone 4 and know the pain of having one stolen and would be more than happy to lend my phone to see if a sim card swap gives you any leads? Otherwise they're a pretty popular phone so I'm sure you'll find someone willing to help without having to go to a store
Dunno much about iPhones but try connecting it to iTunes. You get a name and a phone number on the main screen. Not if that works with locked phones.
One more idea. If you put the sim in another phone you can get it's phone number, but I am not sure if this will work with the sim deactivated. When the person gets a new sim and phone you can call the number.
I dunno, I had this crazy gf that would grab my phone as soon as I got a text or a call, so I always locked it when she was around. ****** her off 'cause she couldn't get in even if it was ringing.

depends on the phone, text messages you can have not display, but calling the phone it prompts you to slide to answer, apple also allows you to use find my phone to send messages (not to be confused with SMS to the phone it's self.

I'm wondering if it's worth it to get a simcard reader.... they are a few dollars on ebay
I applaud your efforts, its nice to see people making an effort to do the right thing.....
Where do you live? I have an iPhone 4 and know the pain of having one stolen and would be more than happy to lend my phone to see if a sim card swap gives you any leads? Otherwise they're a pretty popular phone so I'm sure you'll find someone willing to help without having to go to a store
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