Any Riders Near Winston Churchill/Dundas area???


Active member
Man its amazing out there!!! Just got back from a long ride :p

Just wondering if there are any riders near Winston Churchill/Dundas area in Sauga. Im riding alone rite now after my buddy moved back to Europe...he was the only friend with a bike :~(

If anyone wants to meet up gimme a pm, normally im free after 6

I'm not too far, my bike is near Winston & Britannia.
i am close as well. Im in the milton area. anyone wanna meet up and go to Buritto Boyz meet tonight>?
check out the timmies at 403/dundas....always riders there
We always stop at 403/dundas after rides. I'm not too far from the spot either. I ride everyday every morning mostly till 2pm and 5pm sometimes.
Timmies at 403 and Dundas has lots of riders just about every night 7 days a week...just show up and don't be can meet a lot of cool folks there and they all ride in the area and know it well.
heyy lol thanks for the replys, yeh ive seen some guys there a few times but didnt kno what to tell them so I just dipped
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