Mees ftw.
Foam tips obliterated in 2 months for me.
Foam tips obliterated in 2 months for me.
True, I went through hundreds of dollars in earbuds before I found the Shure's. A good cheap alternative are the M3's at Canada Computers for about $30, nowhere near the quality but the same fit (good for helmets) and the memory foam tips block a good amount of sound.Yeah they have good volume range ...not all do
I recently picked up an iPhone 6
Bit the bullet and ordered the Shures off amazon. Should have them by next week!
I want to try the plastic ones that come with the earphones first. I read Comply tips work too well. I wouldn't want complete sound isolation, at least not till I get used to the idea of riding with music. I get paranoid when I'm not aware of my surroundings. If the plastic ones are completely crap, then for sure I'll grab a pack of these. Thanks for the link!You might want to get some Comply tips ...they have a mixed pack so you can find the best ones for you
You end up using them all.
One thing to clearly understand that attenuation does not eliminate you hearing sounds around just moves them farther away and prevents your ears from clamping down.
You know that muffled feeling when you come out from a venue that is too loud ?? That's your hearing clamping down.
If you are riding without earplugs your hearing is doing that anyways - you simply can't take the 100 dB + wind noise at 100 kph without doing damage.
There are applications around that use the microphone in your phone so you can actually set the level of attenuation....but the -26 dB of earphones like the Shures with Comply tips is a really good balance from the maybe too quiet -33 dB Howard Leight earplugs can attenuate.
Without the seal the foam tips provide - bass will suck.
Interesting. I thought the foam tips would completely prevent any external sounds from seeping in.
^^Nice review and seems like a good product at that price point. Their other product at higher price points look pretty good too.
Yeah ...good review...saw those a few years ago something similar and complaints were they fell apart. Likely a few iterations forward. It is certainly a good approach tho little space left for the armature.
Here are the Amazon comments ..
Seems the QC still needs work.
Plugfones guardians are $93 on Pink color is $58.
First rule of; half the products are overly inflated in price on there from people reselling them for profit.
None of the sellers I found were actually PLUGFONES, all some 'northern shipments' or obvious importing company.
Straight off PLUGFONE's website, they are $34.95 USD shipped to your door (approx $45~ CAD).
Decided to keep the Shures. Being delivered today. Cancelling the plugfones order. Figured I may as well do it right and buy quality earphones.Shures are long term purchase. Replaceable ( and sturdy ) cables, tips and there are 3rd party cables available
These are interesting